Friday, April 10, 2009

novel | tetralogi laskar pelangi


Laskar Pelangi adalah novel pertama karya Andrea Hirata yang diterbitkan oleh Bentang Pustaka pada tahun 2005. Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan 10 anak dari keluarga miskin yang bersekolah (SD dan SMP) di sebuah sekolah Muhammadiyah di pulau Belitong yang penuh dengan keterbatasan. Mereka adalah:

1. Ikal
2. Lintang; Lintang Samudra Basara bin Syahbani Maulana Basara
3. Sahara; N.A. Sahara Aulia Fadillah binti K.A. Muslim Ramdhani Fadillah
4. Mahar; Mahar Ahlan bin Jumadi Ahlan bin Zubair bin Awam
5. A Kiong (Chau Chin Kiong); Muhammad Jundullah Gufron Nur Zaman
6. Syahdan; Syahdan Noor Aziz bin Syahari Noor Aziz
7. Kucai; Mukharam Kucai Khairani
8. Borek aka Samson
9. Trapani; Trapani Ihsan Jamari bin Zainuddin Ilham Jamari
10. Harun; Harun Ardhli Ramadhan bin Syamsul Hazana Ramadhan

Mereka bersekolah dan belajar pada kelas yang sama dari kelas 1 SD sampai kelas 3 SMP, dan menyebut diri mereka sebagai Laskar Pelangi. Pada bagian-bagian akhir cerita, anggota Laskar Pelangi bertambah satu anak perempuan yang bernama Flo, seorang murid pindahan. Keterbatasan yang ada bukan membuat mereka putus asa, tetapi malah membuat mereka terpacu untuk dapat melakukan sesuatu yang lebih baik.

Laskar Pelangi merupakan buku pertama dari Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi. Buku berikutnya adalah Sang Pemimpi, Edensor dan Maryamah Karpov.

Laskar Pelangi adalah karya pertama dari Andrea Hirata. Buku ini segera menjadi Best Seller yang kini kita ketahui sebagai buku sastra Indonesia terlaris sepanjang sejarah.

Cerita terjadi di desa Gantung, Gantung, Belitung Timur. Dimulai ketika sekolah Muhammadiyah terancam akan dibubarkan oleh Depdikbud Sumsel jikalau tidak mencapai siswa baru sejumlah 10 anak. Ketika itu baru 9 anak yang menghadiri upacara pembukaan, akan tetapi tepat ketika Pak Harfan, sang kepala sekolah, hendak berpidato menutup sekolah, Harun dan ibunya datang untuk mendaftarkan diri di sekolah kecil itu.

Dari sanalah dimulai cerita mereka. Mulai dari penempatan tempat duduk, pertemuan mereka dengan Pak Harfan, perkenalan mereka yang luar biasa di mana A Kiong yang malah cengar-cengir ketika ditanyakan namanya oleh guru mereka, Bu Mus. Kejadian bodoh yang dilakukan oleh Borek, pemilihan ketua kelas yang diprotes keras oleh Kucai, kejadian ditemukannya bakat luar biasa Mahar, pengalaman cinta pertama Ikal, sampai pertaruhan nyawa Lintang yang mengayuh sepeda 80 km pulang pergi dari rumahnya ke sekolah.

Mereka, Laskar Pelangi - nama yang diberikan Bu Muslimah akan kesenangan mereka terhadap pelangi - pun sempat mengharumkan nama sekolah dengan berbagai cara. Misalnya pembalasan dendam Mahar yang selalu dipojokkan kawan-kawannya karena kesenangannya pada okultisme yang membuahkan kemenangan manis pada karnaval 17 Agustus, dan kejeniusan luar biasa Lintang yang menantang dan mengalahkan Drs. Zulfikar, guru sekolah kaya PN yang berijazah dan terkenal, dan memenangkan lomba cerdas cermat. Laskar Pelangi mengarungi hari-hari menyenangkan, tertawa dan menangis bersama. Kisah sepuluh kawanan ini berakhir dengan kematian ayah Lintang yang memaksa Einstein cilik itu putus sekolah dengan sangat mengharukan, dan dilanjutkan dengan kejadian 12 tahun kemudian di mana Ikal yang berjuang di luar pulau Belitong kembali ke kampungnya. Kisah indah ini diringkas dengan kocak dan mengharukan oleh Andrea Hirata, kita bahkan bisa merasakan semangat masa kecil anggota sepuluh Laskar Pelangi ini.

Anggota Laskar Pelangi

Tokoh-tokoh yang muncul dalam Laskar Pelangi:

10 Anggota Laskar Pelangi

* Ikal : Tokoh 'aku' dalam cerita ini. Ikal yang selalu menjadi peringkat kedua memiliki teman sebangku bernama Lintang, yang merupakan anak terpintar dalam Laskar Pelangi. Ia berminat pada sastra, terlihat dari kesehariannya yang senang menulis puisi. Ia menyukai A Ling, sepupu dari A Kiong, yang ditemuinya pertama kali di sebuah toko kelontong bernama Toko Sinar Harapan. Pada akhirnya hubungan mereka berdua terpaksa berakhir oleh jarak akibat kepergian A Ling ke Jakarta untuk menemani bibinya.

* Lintang : Teman sebangku Ikal yang luar biasa jenius. Ayahnya bekerja sebagai nelayan miskin yang tidak memiliki perahu dan harus menanggung kehidupan 14 jiwa anggota keluarga. Lintang telah menunjukkan minat besar untuk bersekolah semenjak hari pertama berada di sekolah. Ia selalu aktif didalam kelas dan memiliki cita-cita sebagai ahli matematika. Sekalipun ia luar biasa pintar, pria kecil berambut merah ikal ini pernah salah membawa peralatan sekolahnya. Cita-citanya terpaksa ditinggalkan agar ia dapat bekerja untuk membiayai kebutuhan hidup keluarganya semenjak ayahnya meninggal.

* Sahara : Satu-satunya gadis dalam anggota Laskar Pelangi. Sahara adalah gadis keras kepala berpendirian kuat yang sangat patuh kepada agama. Ia adalah gadis yang ramah dan pandai, ia baik kepada siapa saja kecuali pada A Kiong yang semenjak mereka masuk sekolah sudah ia basahi dengan air dalam termosnya.

* Mahar : Pria tampan bertubuh kurus ini memiliki bakat dan minat besar pada seni. Pertama kali diketahui ketika tanpa sengaja Bu Muslimah menunjuknya untuk bernyanyi di depan kelas saat pelajaran seni suara. Pria yang menyenangi okultisme ini sering dipojokkan teman-temannya. Ketika dewasa, Mahar sempat menganggur menunggu nasib menyapanya karena tak bisa ke manapun lantaran ibunya yang sakit-sakitan. Akan tetapi, nasib baik menyapanya dan ia diajak petinggi untuk membuat dokumentasi permainan anak tradisional setelah membaca artikel yang ia tulis di sebuah majalah, dan akhirnya ia berhasil meluncurkan sebuah novel tentang persahabatan.

* A Kiong : Anak Hokian. Keturunan Tionghoa ini adalah pengikut sejati Mahar sejak kelas satu. Baginya Mahar adalah suhunya yang agung. Kendatipun pria kecil ini berwajah buruk rupa, ia memiliki rasa persahabatan yang tinggi dan baik hati, serta suka menolong pada siapapun kecuali Sahara. Namun, meski mereka selalu bertengkar, ternyata mereka berdua saling mencintai satu sama lain.

* Syahdan : Anak nelayan yang ceria ini tak pernah menonjol. Kalau ada apa-apa dia pasti yang paling tidak diperhatikan. Misalnya ketika bermain sandiwara, Syahdan hanya kedapatan jadi tukang kipas putri dan itupun masih banyak kesalahannya. Syahdan adalah saksi cinta pertama Ikal, ia dan Ikal bertugas membeli kapur di Toko Sinar Harapan semenjak Ikal jatuh cinta pada A Ling. Syahdan ternyata memiliki cita-cita yang tidak pernah terbayang oleh Laskar Pelangi lainnya yaitu menjadi aktor. Dengan bekerja keras pada akhirna dia menjadi aktor sungguhan meski hanya mendapatkan peran kecil seperti tuyul atau jin... Setelah bosan, ia pergi dan kursus komputer. Setelah itu ia berhasil menjadi network designer.

* Kucai : Ketua kelas sepanjang generasi sekolah Laskar Pelangi. Ia menderita rabun jauh karena kurang gizi dan penglihatannya melenceng 20 derajat, sehingga jika ia menatap marah ke arah Borek, maka akan terlihat ia sedang memperhatikan Trapani. Laki-laki ini sejak kecil terlihat bisa menjadi politikus dan akhirnya diwujudkan ketika ia dewasa menjadi ketua fraksi di DPRD Belitong.

* Borek : Pria besar maniak otot. Borek selalu menjaga citranya sebagai laki-laki macho. Ketika dewasa ia menjadi kuli di toko milik A Kiong dan Sahara.

* Trapani : Pria tampan yang pandai dan baik hati ini sangat mencintai ibunya. Apapun yang ia lakukan harus selalu didampingi ibunya, seperti misalnya ketika mereka akan tampil sebagai band yang dikomando oleh Mahar, ia tidak mau tampil jika tak ditonton ibunya. Cowok yang bercita-cita menjadi guru ini akhirnya berakhir di rumah sakit jiwa karena ketergantungannya terhadap ibunya.

* Harun : Pria yang memiliki keterbelakangan mental ini memulai sekolah dasar ketika ia berumur 15 tahun. Laki-laki jenaka ini senantiasa bercerita tentang kucingnya yang berbelang tiga dan melahirkan tiga anak yang masing-masing berbelang tiga pada tanggal tiga kepada Sahara dan senang sekali menanyakan kapan libur lebaran pada Bu Muslimah. Ia menyetor 3 buah botol kecap ketika disuruh mengumpulkan karya seni kelas enam.

Tokoh-tokoh Lain

* Bu Muslimah : Bernama lengkap N.A. Muslimah Hafsari Hamid binti K.A. Abdul Hamid. Dia adalah Ibunda Guru bagi Laskar Pelangi. Wanita lembut ini adalah pengajar pertama Laskar Pelangi dan merupakan guru yang paling berharga bagi mereka.
* Pak Harfan : Nama lengkap K.A. Harfan Efendy Noor bin K.A. Fadillah Zein Noor. Kepala sekolah dari sekolah Muhammadiyah. Ia adalah orang yang sangat baik hati dan penyabar meski murid-murid awalnya takut melihatnya.
* Flo : Bernama asli adalah Floriana, seorang anak tomboi yang berasal dari keluarga kaya. Dia merupakan murid pindahan dari sekolah PN yang kaya dan sekaligus tokoh terakhir yang muncul sebagai bagian dari laskar pelangi. Awal pertama kali masuk sekolah, ia sempat membuat kekacauan dengan mengambil alih tempat duduk Trapani sehingga Trapani yang malang terpaksa tergusur. Ia melakukannya dengan alasan ingin duduk di sebelah Mahar dan tak mau didebat.
* A Ling : Cinta pertama Ikal yang merupakan saudara sepupu A Kiong. A Ling yang cantik dan tegas ini terpaksa berpisah dengan Ikal karena harus menemani bibinya yang tinggal sendiri.

Film Laskar Pelangi

!Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Laskar Pelangi (film)

Naskah Laskar Pelangi telah diadaptasi menjadi sebuah film berjudul sama dengan bukunya. Film Laskar Pelangi diproduksi oleh Miles Films dan Mizan Production, dan digarap oleh sutradara Riri Riza. Skenario adaptasi ditulis oleh Salman Aristo dibantu oleh Riri Riza dan Mira Lesmana. Menurut Andrea Hirata, dengan diadaptasi menjadi sebuah film, pesan-pesan yang terkandung di bukunya diharapkan dapat lebih menyebar ke khalayak lebih luas.

Film ini penuh dengan nuansa lokal Pulau Belitong, dari penggunaan dialek Belitung sampai aktor-aktor yang menjadi anggota Laskar Pelangi juga adalah anak-anak asli Belitung. Lokasi syuting juga di Pulau Belitung dan biaya produksinya mencapai Rp 8 Milyar.


Sang Pemimpi adalah novel kedua karya Andrea Hirata yang diterbitkan oleh Bentang Pustaka pada bulan Juli tahun 2006. Dalam novel ini Andrea mengeksplorasi hubungan persahabatan dan persaudaraan antara Ikal dan Arai.

Sang Pemimpi merupakan buku kedua dari Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi. Buku berikutnya adalah Edensor dan maryamah karpoov

Dalam Sang Pemimpi, Andrea bercerita tentang kehidupan ketika masa-masa SMA.Tiga tokoh utamanya adalah Ikal, Arai dan Jimbron.Ikal- alter egonya Andrea Hirata.Arai-saudara jauh yang yatim piatu dan akhirnya menjadi saudara angkat dan Jimbron-seorang yatim piatu yang terobsesi dengan kuda dan gagap bila sedang antusias terhadap sesuatu atau ketika gugup.

Ketiganya larut dalam kisah persahabatan yang terjalin dari kecil sampai mereka bersekolah di SMA Negeri Bukan Main, SMA pertama yang berdiri di Belitung bagian timur.Bersekolah di pagi hari dan bekerja sebagai kuli di pelabuhan ikan pada dini hari.Hidup mandiri terpisah dari orang tua dengan latar belakang kondisi ekonomi yang sangat terbatas namun punya cita-cita besar , sebuah cita-cita yang bila dilihat dari latar belakang kehidupan mereka, hanyalah sebuah mimpi.


Tokoh Utama

1. Ikal
2. Arai adalah tokoh sentral dalam buku ini.Menjadi saudara angkat Ikal ketika kelas 3 SD ketika ayahnya(satu-satunya anggota keluarga yang tersisa) meninggal dunia.Seseorang yang mampu melihat keindahan di balik sesuatu, sangat optimis dan selalu melihat suatu peristiwa dari kaca mata yang positif.Arai adalah sosok yang begitu spontan dan jenaka, seolah tak ada sesuatupun di dunia ini yang akan membuatnya sedih dan patah semangat
3. Jimbron,anak yatim piatu yang diasuh oleh seorang pastur Katolik bernama Geovanni.laki-laki berwajah bayi dan bertubuh subur ini sangat polos.Segala hal tentang kuda adalah obsesinya, dan gagapnya berhubungan dengan sebuah peristiwa tragis yang memilukan yang dia alami ketika masih SD.Jimbron adalah penyeimbang di antara Arai dan Ikal, kepolosan dan ketulusannya adalah sumber simpati dan kasih sayang dalam diri keduanya untuk menjaga dan melindunginya.

Tokoh Lain

1. Pendeta Geovanny, ia adalah seorang Katolik yang mengasuh Jimbron selepas kepergian kedua orangtua Jimbron. Meskipun berbeda agama dengan Jimbron, beliau tidak memaksakan Jimbron untuk turut menjadi umat Katolik. Bahkan beliau tidak pernah terlambat mengantar Jimbron pergi ke masjid untuk mengaji.
2. Pak Mustar adalah salah satu pendiri SMA Bukan Main. Ia adalah wakil kepala sekolah SMA Bukan Main, sebenarnya beliau adalah orang yang baik dan cukup sabar namun berubah menjadi tangan besi ketika anaknya sendiri justru tidak diterima masuk ke SMA tersebut karena NEMnya kurang 0,25 dari batas minimal. Ia terkenal dengan aturan-aturannya yang disiplin dan hukuman yang sangat berat. Namun sebenarnya beliau adalah pribadi yang sangat baik dan patut dicontoh.
3. Pak Ichsan Balia
4. Nurmala, Zakiah Nurmala binti Berahim Mantarum, begitu nama lengkapnya adalah gadis pujaan Arai sejak pertama kali Arai melihatnya. Nurmala adalah gadis yang pandai, selalu menyandang ranking 1. Ia juga penggemar Ray Charles dengan lagunya "I Can't Stop Loving You" dan Nat King Cole dengan lagunya When I Fall in Love.
5. Laksmiadalah gadis pujaan Jimbron. Ia juga telah kehilangan kedua orangtuanya dan tinggal juga bekerja di sebuah pabrik cincau. Semenjak kepergian orangtuanya ia tidak pernah lagi tersenyum, walaupun senyumnya amat manis. Ia baru dapat tersenyum ketika Jimbron datang mengendarai sebuah kuda.
6. Capo merupakan seorang yang memungkinkan berbagai hal sebagai objek untuk pekerjaannya. Bahkan ketika PN Timah terancam kolaps, ia melakukan ide untuk membuka peternakan kuda meskipun kuda adalah hewan yang asing bagi para Melayu.
7. Taikong Hamim
8. Bang Zaitun dikenal sebagai orang yang pernah mempunyai banyak pacar dan hampir memiliki 5 istri. Sebenarnya kunci keberhasilannya dalam percintaan adalah sebuah gitar. Ia pun mengajarkan hal tersebut pada Arai yang sedang mabuk cinta dengan Nurmala.
9. A Kiun
10. Nurmi
11. Pak Cik Basman adalah seorang tukang sobek karcis di sebuah bioskop di Belitong.
12. A Siong
13. Deborah Wong adalah istri A Siong dan ibu dari Mei Mei. Ia seorang yang tambun dan berkulit putih.
14. Mei Mei ialah seorang gadis kecil anak Deborah Wong.


Edensor adalah bukul ketiga karya Andrea Hirata yang diterbitkan oleh Bentang Pustaka pada bulan Mei tahun 2007.

Berbeda dengan setting cerita Laskar Pelangi dan Sang Pemimpi, Edensor mengambil setting di luar negeri saat tokoh-tokoh utamanya, Ikal dan Arai mendapat beasiswa dari Uni Eropa untuk kuliah S2 di Perancis. Dalam Edensor, Andrea tetap dengan ciri khasnya, menulis kisah ironi menjadi parodi dan menertawakan kesedihan dengan balutan pandangan intelegensia tentang culture shock ketika kedua tokoh utama tersebut yang berasal dari pedalaman Melayu di Pulau Belitong tiba-tiba berada di Paris. Mimpi-mimpi untuk menjelajah Eropa sampai Afrika dan menemukan keterkaitan yang tak terduga dari peristiwa-peristiwa dari masa lalu mereka berdua.Dan pencarian akan cinta sejati menjadi motivasi yang menyemangati penjelajahan mereka dari bekunya musim dingin di daratam Eropa sampai panas kering di gurun Sahara.

Edensor merupakan buku ketiga dari Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi. Buku berikutnya dan yang terakhir adalah Maryamah Karpov.Edensor masuk nominasi penghargaan nasional sastra KLA (Khatulistiwa Literary Award) tahun 2007.


Maryamah Karpov adalah novel keempat karya Andrea Hirata yang akan diterbitkan oleh Bentang Pustaka pada tahun 2008.

Maryamah Karpov merupakan buku terakhir dari Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi.Dalam novel ini, dengan satirenya yang khas, ironi yang menggelitik, dan intelegensia yang meluap-luap namun membumi, Andrea berkisah tentang perempuan dari satu sudut yang amat jarang diekspos penulis Indonesia dewasa ini. Di buku ini juga rencananya Andrea akan mengisahkan tentang Arai, Lintang, A Ling, dan beberapa pertanyaan yang belum sempat terjawab di 3 buku terdahulu.
Andrea Hirata mengatakan bahwa jumlah halaman Maryamah Karpov lebih dari 600 halaman


Andrea Hirata Seman Said Harun (lahir 24 Oktober) adalah seorang penulis Indonesia yang berasal dari pulau Belitong, propinsi Bangka Belitung. Novel pertamanya adalah novel Laskar Pelangi yang merupakan buku pertama dari tetralogi novelnya, yaitu :

1. Laskar Pelangi
2. Sang Pemimpi
3. Edensor
4. Maryamah Karpov

Laskar Pelangi termasuk novel yang ada di jajaran best seller untuk tahun 2006 - 2007.

Meskipun studi mayor yang diambil Andrea adalah ekonomi, ia amat menggemari sains--fisika, kimia, biologi, astronomi--dan tentu saja sastra. Andrea lebih mengidentikkan dirinya sebagai seorang akademisi dan backpacker. Sedang mengejar mimpinya yang lain untuk tinggal di Kye Gompa, desa tertinggi di dunia, di Himalaya.

Andrea berpendidikan ekonomi di Universitas Indonesia, mendapatkan beasiswa Uni Eropa untuk studi master of science di Universite de Paris, Sorbonne, Perancis dan Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom. Tesis Andrea di bidang ekonomi telekomunikasi mendapat penghargaan dari kedua universitas tersebut dan ia lulus cum laude. Tesis itu telah diadaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan merupakan buku teori ekonomi telekomunikasi pertama yang ditulis oleh orang Indonesia. Buku itu telah beredar sebagai referensi Ilmiah. Saat ini Andrea tinggal di Bandung dan masih bekerja di kantor pusat PT Telkom.


Heroes is an American science fiction television drama series created by Tim Kring, which premiered on NBC on September 25, 2006.[1] The plot tells the stories of disparate and ordinary individuals from around the world who inexplicably develop superhuman abilities, and their roles in preventing catastrophes and saving humanity. The series emulates the aesthetic style and storytelling of American comic books, using short, multi-episode story arcs that build upon a larger, more encompassing arc. [2] The series is produced by Universal Media Studios in association with Tailwind Productions,[3] and it is filmed primarily in Los Angeles, California.[4] The executive producers for the show are Allan Arkush, Dennis Hammer, Greg Beeman and Tim Kring.

The critically acclaimed first season's run of 23 episodes garnered an average of 14.3 million viewers in the United States, receiving the highest rating for any NBC drama premiere in five years.[5][6][3] The second season of Heroes attracted an average of 13.1 million viewers in the United States.[7] The second season was NBC's top series in adults 18-49,[7] the top Monday series on any network in adults 18–49,[7] and the top scripted series on any network in adults 18-34.[7] In addition, the second season marked NBC's sole series among the top 20 ranked programs in total viewership for the 2007-2008 season, according to Nielsen Media Research.[8] A total of 24 episodes were ordered for the second season,[9] but only eleven episodes were broadcast,[10] due to the 100-day strike by the Writers Guild of America.[11][12] The dispute led to the initial postponement and eventual cancellation of a six episode spin-off titled Heroes: Origins.[13] Heroes returned with its third season on September 22, 2008.[7][13]

A digital-internet extension of the series, Heroes 360 Experience, was created to explore the Heroes universe and provides insight into the show's mythology. It was rebranded as Heroes Evolutions at the beginning of the second season.[14] Heroes Evolutions also includes graphic novels, which have been released every Tuesday since September 25, 2006, and were published by WildStorm Comics on November 7, 2007.[15] Other official Heroes media include magazines, action figures, tie-in and interactive websites, a mobile game, a novel, clothing and other merchandise. NBC Universal announced on April 2, 2008, that NBC Digital Entertainment would release a series of online content for the summer and fall of 2008, including more original web content, wireless iTV interactivity, graphic novels available for mobile viewing and webisodes.[16]

Heroes has garnered a number of awards and nominations. On July 19, 2007 Heroes was nominated in eight categories at the 2007 Primetime Emmy awards, including Outstanding Drama Series and was also nominated for Best Television Series-Drama at the 2007 Golden Globes. The series won a People's Choice Award in 2007 in the category of Best New Drama, and was named Program of the Year in 2007 by the Television Critics Association and Best International Program at the 2008 Bafta Awards.[3] The series has also been nominated for an NAACP Image Award, a WGA Award, and a Satellite Award.

Variety reported that NBC has fired Jesse Alexander and Jeph Loeb from the production staff of Heroes due to creative differences and budget problems. The network might also blame the duo for the show's struggle in the ratings for Season 3.[17] As a result, Tim Kring will refocus the series on character development and simple storytelling.[18]

See also: List of Heroes episodes and List of Heroes graphic novels

The plot of Heroes is designed to be similar to the stories of comic books with small story arcs built into the series' overall large story arc plot. Each season of Heroes is designed to involve ordinary people who discover extraordinary powers, and how these abilities take effect in the character's lives.

Season One
Isaac's painting of Manhattan's destruction in "Genesis" - the following episode, set five weeks in the future, depicts the same explosion, and the painting forms the basis of the primary story arc of the first season.

Season one featured 23 episodes, which aired on Mondays at 9:00 pm in the United States, beginning on September 23, 2006. Season one consisted of Volume One, known as "Genesis". The series went on hiatus twice; first from December 4, 2006 to January 22, 2007,[19] and again from March 5 to April 23, 2007,[20] with the season finale airing on May 21, 2007.[21] The volume begins as a seemingly ordinary group of people gradually become aware that they have special abilities. Events illustrate their reactions to these powers, and how the discovery affects their personal and professional lives. At the same time, several ordinary individuals are investigating the origins and extent of these abilities. Mohinder Suresh, a geneticist, continues his late father's research into the biological source of the change, while Noah Bennet represents a secret organization known only as the "Company". While coping with these new abilities, each of the characters is drawn, willingly or unwillingly, into the Company's conspiracy to control superpowered people and into a race to stop an explosion from destroying New York City.

Season Two

Season two featured 11 out of a planned 24 episodes which aired on Mondays at 9:00 pm in the United States beginning on September 24, 2007. Only 11 out of the planned 24 episodes were broadcast because of the WGA writers' strike.[22] Season two consisted of the second volume in the series, titled "Generations".[23] Season two ended with its finale on December 3, 2007.[24] Volume two begins four months after the events of Kirby Plaza. The main plot arc of "Generations" deals with the Company and its research on the Shanti virus. This research is explored through the Company's founders, whose identities are revealed, as well as through the effects of various strains of the virus. The "heroes" ultimately come together in an attempt to stop the release of a deadly strain of the virus and avert a global pandemic. Season 2 was originally going to consist of three volumes; however, because of the writer's strike, the season was redesigned to only encompass one volume called "Generations".[25] Originally Volume 3 was going to be called "Exodus",[26] and Volume 4 was going to be called "Villains". As a result of the writers' strike, Volume 3 was changed to "Villains" and moved into season three.[7] The "Exodus" story arc, which was originally designed to be a story arc reflecting the effects of the release of strain 138 of the Shanti virus, was canceled. Scenes from the volume two finale "Powerless", were reshot to reflect the cancellation of the "Exodus" volume, and to tie-up all the loose plot storylines of "Generations."[27][28]

Webseries: Going Postal

On July 14, 2008, the first Heroes webseries, "Going Postal", was released. The trilogy of online-only videos introduces Echo DeMille, a seemingly ordinary mailman with an extraordinary ability. The three-part series is written and directed by the same creative team behind the main show

Season Three
Logo for Heroes Volume 3

Season three opened with two one-hour episodes, airing on Monday, September 22, 2008 in the United States.[29] The premiere of the third volume, "Villains", was preceded by a one-hour broadcast of the red carpet premiere, with clips from the past seasons and previews of the upcoming season, along with interviews with the series cast and crew.[13] "Villains" was originally designed to be included within the second season; however, because of the writers' strike, the volume was carried over into season three. The lead-in to "Villains" showed Sylar regaining his lost powers, shown as the final scene of the "Generations" finale. Tim Kring has said that the new volume will bring a cadre of villains to the show, hence the title.[30] On December 5, 2007, at the Jules Verne Film Festival Adventure, Tim Kring showed a video-preview of volume three.[31] According to an interview with Allan Arkush, filming for season three began on May 1, 2008.[32] On May 9, 2008, a season three promo clip was released with hints at possible "inner villains" within the heroes. The promo stated, "In every hero there could be a villain," before plastering the words "hero" and "villain" over the face of every major character. Finally, during the featured Heroes panel at the San Diego Comic-Con, the entire first hour of the first episode of the "Villains" arc was shown.[33]

In July NBC began airing a teaser for season three featuring Noah Bennet talking to Claire stating, "Since before you were even born, I was finding these people and locking them away so that they couldn't hurt anybody. Now a dozen of them have escaped, and they will kill...and they will terrorize...and they will conspire...and they will cause...unimaginable destruction to the world...they're villains, Claire," while a montage of clips play.[34] Zachary Quinto, who plays Sylar, has stated that the Villains story arc will last for thirteen episodes.[35]

At the San Diego Comic-Con 2008 Kring screened the first part of the season opening episode of the "Villains" arc, entitled "The Second Coming", which was shown in its entirety at Comic-Con and received a positive response from fans.[36]

The name of Volume Four was revealed by Heroes creator Tim Kring at the 2008 Edinburgh TV Festival. "Fugitives" will make up the last 12 episodes of Season 3.[37]

Cast and characters

Main article: List of characters in Heroes

From left to right: Noah Gray-Cabey, Ali Larter, Adrian Pasdar, Milo Ventimiglia, Jack Coleman, Hayden Panettiere, Masi Oka, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Greg Grunberg, Zachary Quinto

Originally, Kring designed the series to have an ever-shifting cast. However, his motivation changed when he realized how popular the original cast was with audiences; therefore he brought back most of the first season cast for the second season, with a few additions who received star billing.[38] In its first season, the show features an ensemble cast of twelve main characters making it the third largest cast in American primetime television behind Desperate Housewives and Lost. Although NBC's first season cast page listed only ten characters,[39] Leonard Roberts (D.L. Hawkins), who first appeared in the series' fifth episode, was an additional member of the original full-time cast.[40] In episode eleven of the first season, Jack Coleman (Noah Bennet) was upgraded from a recurring role to become the twelfth full-time cast member.[41]

The initial season had 12 major roles getting star billing. Hayden Panettiere portrayed high school cheerleader Claire Bennet who has the ability to spontaneously regenerate. Jack Coleman played her father Noah Bennet, an agent for The Company. Santiago Cabrera played the troubled addict Isaac Mendez who could paint the future. Tawny Cypress portrayed Simone Deveaux, an art dealer and skeptic. Greg Grunberg played LAPD police officer Matt Parkman who could read people's minds. Ali Larter played Niki Sanders, an internet stripper with a multiple personality disorder and super strength. Leonard Roberts played Niki's husband D.L. Hawkins, an ex-convict who could walk through walls. Noah Gray-Cabey played Micah Sanders, Niki and D.L.'s young son who could talk to computers. Masi Oka portrayed time traveller Hiro Nakamura. Adrian Pasdar played Nathan Petrelli, a congressional candidate with the ability to fly. Sendhil Ramamurthy played geneticist Mohinder Suresh. Milo Ventimiglia portrayed hospice nurse and empath Peter Petrelli.

During the first two seasons, some characters were written out to make room for new characters with new stories. Simone was the first major character to be written out, dying near the end of season one. DL became a guest star after the events of the first season's finale, making two appearances throughout season two. Isaac Mendez was also written out, dying at the hands of Sylar, which was shown during Hiro Nakamura's time travelling expedition to New York earlier in season one. New characters added during season two included Maya Herrera, a fugitive with the ability to emit a deadly virus played by Dania Ramirez; Adam Monroe, a 400-year-old Englishman and legendary warrior Takezo Kensei with the ability to regenerate, portrayed by David Anders; Monica Dawson, a restaurant worker with the ability to mimic muscle movements portrayed by Dana Davis; and Elle Bishop a sadistic sociopath with the ability to generate electricity portrayed by Kristen Bell. Two recurring characters from season one, Sylar, portayed by Zachary Quinto, and Ando Masahashi, portayed by James Kyson Lee, were upgraded to main characters in season two.

In season three, Cristine Rose received star billing as one of the Company's founders, Angela Petrelli.[42] Elle, Adam, and Micah were removed from the main cast. Monica Dawson was written out of the show, with the possibility of appearing in some future episodes.[43]



Heroes began development during pilot season in 2006, when Tim Kring, then creator of NBC's Crossing Jordan, came up with the show's concept. Kring wanted to create a "large ensemble saga" that would connect with the audience. He began thinking about how big, scary and complicated he felt the world is, and wanted to create a character driven series about people who could do something about it. Kring felt that a cop, medical, or Lost-type drama did not have characters that were big enough to save the world. He came up with the thought of superheroes; ordinary people who would discover extraordinary abilities, while still rooted in the real world and in reality. Milo Ventimiglia described the pilot as a "character drama about everyday people with a heightened reality." Kring wanted the series to have touchstones that involved the characters and the world they lived in.[44][45]

Before he began putting his ideas together, he spoke with Lost executive producer Damon Lindelof, with whom he had worked with for three years on Crossing Jordan. Kring credits Lindelof for giving him ideas on how to pitch the series to the network and advise on the lessons he (Lindelof) learned about working on a serialized drama. The two still speak and support each other's projects.[46][47][48] When Kring pitched the idea for Heroes to the NBC network, he described the network's reaction as "excited...very supportive."[49] He comments that he has been partners with NBC for some time based on his six year run as showrunner for Crossing Jordan.[49] When he pitched the pilot, he described every detail, including the cliffhanger ending. When NBC executives asked him what was going to happen next, Kring responded, "Well, you’ll just have to wait and find out."[50] After the project was greenlit, a special 73-minute version of the pilot was first screened to a large audience at the 2006 Comic Con in San Diego.[51] It was initially reported that this unaired pilot would not be released, however it was included on the first season DVD set.[52]

Writing and episode format

When the writing team works on an episode, each writer takes a character and writes the individual scenes surrounding them. These stories are then combined and given to the episode writer. This system allows every writer to contribute to every episode.[53] and enables the writing team to finish scripts sooner, so the filming crew can shoot more scenes at a location.[50] Tim Kring describes the writing process as a collaborative one and states that the collaboration process is important because production needs to shoot several scenes at a single location. In order to do this, several scripts have to be ready. Jesse Alexander, co-producer and writer, explains that this process is important in a serialized drama because one has to know where each character's development is heading.[50]

Episodes have a distinct structure: following a recap of relevant events, each show begins with a cold open, which is sometimes the beginning of a scene that was introduced in the previous week's episode. At a dramatic juncture, the screen cuts to the title graphic, which is an eclipse of the sun by the earth, with the Heroes logo and a musical interlude. The episode title is usually introduced after the title scene, which is followed by a commerical break. The episode title is usually presented on a mundane object within the scene following the first commercial break. The title is presented as a chapter, with each episode receiving a chapter number, which correlates to the episode number within the season. The opening credits generally appear alphabetically by last name over the scenes that immediately follow. Several characters' stories are shown throughout the episode. Sometimes these stories are stand alone events, while at other times character stories intertwine and cross over. Most episodes end with a suspenseful twist or cliffhanger,[54] revealed just seconds before a smash cut to a "to be continued" graphic.


Music from the first season is composed by Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman, with music engineer Michael Perfitt[55] and vocals provided by Shankar. Each episode averages thirty to thirty-five minutes of music, played entirely by Melvoin and Coleman themselves and is produced on three Intel Macs and a hard drive RAID system.[56] Melvoin and Coleman became involved with Heroes from their previous work with executive producer Allan Arkush.[56] Tim Kring gave general instructions to the pair, including the emotion and direction for each character. Kring wanted incredibly unusual music and gave Wendy and Lisa a lot of freedom and permission to experiment. In the pilot episode, Kring suggested that a "dreamy" cue be used in the scene involving Claire Bennet running into a burning train. The "dreamy" cue has since become "a signature piece of the show."

Melvoin and Coleman developed specific musical cues for each character. Claude's theme involved wind and voices to create the feeling of a ghost-like presence. Hiro Nakamura's involves marimbas and bassoons with staccato to re-create the sound of clocks ticking in reference to the character's power. Matt Parkman's theme involves voices being played backwards when he uses his power of telepathy. Peter Petrelli's theme involves marcato strings. Niki Sanders's theme was based on her character's alter-ego named Jessica and involved winds and Indian voices chanting in an underscore to give a feeling that she was possessed. Mohinder Suresh's theme is the piano composition that plays at the end of some episodes, and Sylar's theme is the sound of a clock or an old piano.[56]

In 2007, the ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards gave Wendy and Lisa the "Top Television Series" award for their work on Heroes.[57] In France, the theme music of Heroes is composed by Victoria Petrosillo. Her song, "Le Héros d'un autre", is used by television network TF1 to replace the show's original incidental music. The network created a new opening credit sequence in order to play Petrosillo's theme song.[58] The Rogue Wave song "Eyes" from the Just Friends soundtrack is featured in the first season episodes "Genesis" and "Collision".[59]


See also: Heroes: Original Soundtrack

The official Heroes soundtrack was released on March 18, 2008 by The NBC Universal Television, DVD, Music & Consumer Products Group. It contains new recordings from Wendy and Lisa, and contributions from Panic at the Disco, Wilco, Imogen Heap, Bob Dylan, Nada Surf and David Bowie, among other artist and bands. The disc also includes the Heroes theme. The disk does not contain, however, "Eyes" by Rogue Wave, which was featured in the first and fourth episode. The B-side features 45 minutes of nonstop narrative by Mohinder Suresh. On February 29, 2008, NBC Universal Television, DVD, Music & Consumer Products Group released five music videos created by Heroes producer/director Allan Arkush, each combining show footage with songs from the soundtrack. The music videos were released on Zune and MSN.[60][61][62]

Recently, Wendy and Lisa announced that they will be releasing an album consisting entirely of the score from Heroes. No release date has been set.[63]

Filming and visual effects

Eric Grenaudier and John Han of Stargate Digital are the visual effects supervisors and Mark Spatny[64] is the visual effects producer for Heroes. They work with visual effects animators Anthony Ocampo and Ryan Wieber, who are also from Stargate.[44][65] The series visual effects consist of blue screens and 2D and 3D animation. The visual effects for the series are created after the scene is shot in post-production, unlike special effects, which are incorporated into the scenes during filming.[66] Notable visual effects include radioactive Claire in "Company Man", Nathan flying from Mr. Bennet and The Haitian in "Hiros", and Hiro's time freezing encounter with the schoolgirl in the red bow in "One Giant Leap".[44] The special effects are coordinated by Gary D'Amico. Stunts are coordinated by Ian Ouinn, who also uses blue screens to accomplish some of the stunts in the series, such as Nathan Petrelli flying away from Heidi during the car accident scene in "Six Months Ago". Principal filming for Heroes take place in Los Angeles and Santa Clarita, California.[4] The Stargate Digital team are also responsible for making Los Angeles look like international locations, such as India and Ukraine, using blue screens and set designs by Ruth Ammon, production designer for the series.[67] The series is filmed using a single-camera setup.

In keeping with the comic book thematic elements used on Heroes, professional comic book artist Tim Sale was brought in to provide the artwork used within the series, including the artwork of Isaac Mendez, and Mendez metafictional comic book series, the 9th Wonders!.[68] Additionally, the font used in captions and credits for the show is reminiscent of traditional hand-rendered comic book lettering. It was created by Sale and is based on his handwriting style.[69]

DVD releases

The first DVD release of Heroes was a sampler disc, containing only the first episode, and was released in the UK and the Republic of Ireland on September 3, 2007.[70] UK Region 2 split Heroes into two halves on its initial release; part one being released on October 1, 2007 and part two on December 10, 2007.[71][72] When the second part was released, a complete first season boxset was also released on the same day on both DVD and HD DVD formats[73] The complete first season was released in USA and Canada on August 28, 2007.[74] It was released in Australia and New Zealand on September 17, 2007.[75]

The complete first season DVD includes nearly 3 hours of bonus features including: an extended 73-minute version of the pilot episode with audio commentary; 50 deleted and extended scenes; behind the scenes featurettes, including the making of Heroes, stunts, a profile of artist Tim Sale, and the score; and audio commentaries with cast, crew and show creator Tim Kring.[75] On February 22, 2008, the Heroes Season One DVD was nominated for a 2008 Saturn Award, in the category of "Best Television Series on DVD."[76]

Universal Studios Home Entertainment has announced that the first and second seasons will be released on Blu-Ray on August 26, 2008, the same date as the DVD release of the second season. Specifications and bonus features include: Generations Alternate Ending; Inside the Alternate Ending: What if Peter didn't catch the virus?; untold stories that didn't make it on air; Season Three sneek peak; deleted scenes; a documentary on Takezo Kensei; behind the scenes featurettes; featurettes; and audio commentaries with cast, crew and show creator Tim Kring.[77] The complete second season was released on July 28, 2008 in the UK.[78] Season 2 was released on the 1st of October 2008 in New Zealand and Australia.[79]

Heroes: Origins

On May 14, 2007, NBC announced that during the 2007-2008 season, the network would air a six-episode Heroes spin-off called Heroes: Origins.[80] The show was to introduce a new character each week, and viewers were to select which one would stay for the following season of the regular series.[81] The show was supposed to air after the completion of the second season of Heroes in April 2008, as announced at the 2007 Comic-Con International. The second season of Heroes and the first season of Heroes: Origins would have included a total of 30 episodes.[80][82] However, on October 31, 2007, reports in Variety and The Hollywood Reporter indicated that Origins had been postponed because of a strike by the Writers Guild of America.[83][84][85]

The reason given for the spin-off was to remove the mid-season hiatus, which caused the ratings to falter when Heroes returned in Season 1.[82] NBC's chief, Kevin Reilly, told reporters on May 14, 2007, "We've got something I call the 'bulk-up challenge' for next year, which is trying to stay more consistent in our scheduling for the audience. We asked [Heroes creator] Tim Kring to come up with an idea, and what I love is not only did we bulk up with 30 hours next season, but also a whole new idea which I think is going to take the show to the next level."

Tim Kring stated in an interview with The Post Show on G4 that the first episode of Origins was to reveal the secrets and meanings behind the Helix symbol. However, because of the WGA Strike, Kring commented that the secret will have to be revealed down the line. Kring revealed in the Heroes Live Blog on September 24, 2007 that he was to write the first episode of Origins and that John August had been hired to write another episode. He also said some well known directors could be expected.[86] Director Kevin Smith, a fan of Heroes, was set to write and direct an episode for the spin-off,[87] as were Eli Roth and Michael Dougherty.[88]

In an interview with on February 9, 2008, Tim Kring updated fans on Heroes: Origins and its status after the end of the writer's strike. When Kring was asked about Origins resurrecting during the Spring of 2008, Kring responded, "There is really no chance for that because it is even farther off the radar than would be the next episodes of Heroes. We would have to gear all the way back up and bring all those people back. It is my hope to resurrect that at some point but right now it is all about getting the show back on the air at this point."[89]

On April 3, 2008, a day after NBC announced its 2008-2009 primetime schedule, Ben Silverman confirmed Origins' cancellation. Silverman, the co-chairman of NBC Entertainment and Universal Media Studios stated, "We were taxing our creative team to do too much around that...We wanted thirty-five Heroes episodes and twelve Heroes: Origins, each of which was supposed to be a mini-movie and backdoor pilot. We reached far and challenged our people, and we decided it was better to focus on keeping the Heroes mothership as strong as possible."[13]

On August 28, 2008, Tim Kring indicated that the concept of Heroes: Origins "isn't totally dead." [90]


Main article: Mythology of Heroes

Activating Evolution

Heroes includes a number of mysterious fictional recurring elements that have been ascribed to science fiction or supernatural phenomena. Tim Kring and the creators of the series refer to these fictional elements as part of the mythology of the series. Kring confirmed that although the show does have a unique mythology, he does not want to sink too deeply into it. Rather, Kring has used volumes to wrap-up ongoing plot lines, rather than carrying storylines over long periods of time, as in Lost.[91] As far as the overall mythology of the series, Kring said, "we have talked about where the show goes up to five seasons."[2][92] As far as the show's ending date, Kring has commented that, "This show doesn't posit an ending…" The show does not have a designated ending point and is "open-ended."[93]

Among the show's mythological elements are the Company, the legend of Takezo Kensei, paintings of the future, superpowers and their origins, the Shanti virus, 9th Wonders! comic book and numerous other elements and mythological themes.


Critical reception

By the time Heroes completed the first half of the first season, the show had already collected an assortment of honors and accolades. On December 10, 2006, the American Film Institute named Heroes one of the ten "best television programs of the year."[94] On December 13, 2006, the Writers Guild of America nominated the program for "best new series" of 2007.[95] On December 14, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association nominated the program for a Golden Globe Award for "best television drama", and nominated Masi Oka (Hiro Nakamura) for Best Supporting Actor on a TV Series.[96] On January 9, 2007, Heroes won the award for Favorite New TV Drama at the 33rd People's Choice Awards.[97] The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People nominated Heroes on January 9, 2007 for an Image Award in the "Outstanding Drama Series" category.[98] On February 21, 2007, it was announced that Heroes was nominated for five Saturn Awards. The nominations included "Best Network Television Series", "Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series" for both Greg Grunberg and Masi Oka, and "Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series" for Hayden Panettiere and Ali Larter.[76] On February 22, 2008, it was announced that Heroes was again nominated for five Saturn Awards. The nominations for 2008 include "Best Network Television Series," "Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series" for both Greg Grunberg and Masi Oka, "Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series" for Hayden Panettiere, and "Best Television Series on DVD." The 2008 nominations are similar to the 2007 nominations, except Ali Larter was not nominated this year; instead the Heroes Season one DVD was nominated, in a different category.[76]

On July 19, 2007, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced their nominations for the 2007 Primetime Emmy awards. Heroes was nominated in eight categories, including Outstanding Drama Series. The first episode, "Genesis", earned six nominations: Outstanding Directing (David Semel), Outstanding Art Direction for a Single-Camera Series, Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series, Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series, and Outstanding Stunt Coordination. The episode "Five Years Gone" also received a nomination for Outstanding Visual Effects for a Series. Masi Oka was nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series.[99] On September 16, 2007, the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards were held and Heroes failed to win a single Emmy award despite the eight nominations. On July 21, 2007, the Television Critics Association awarded Heroes with the prestigious Outstanding Program of the Year title during their 23rd Annual TCA Awards ceremony.[100] The cast of Heroes was named in the 2006 Time Magazine's Person of the Year issue under "People Who Mattered".[101]

Doug Elfman of the Chicago Sun-Times stated, "The show's super strengths are its well-developed filmmaking, smooth pacing and a perfect cast. It views like the first hour of a fun, thoughtful movie." Barry Garron at the The Hollywood Reporter also stated, ""Heroes" is one of TV's most imaginative creations and might, with luck, become this year's Lost."[102] Less favorable reviews included the Philadelphia Inquirer, who commented that although the show had lots of "cool effects," it "lands, splat, in a pile of nonsense and dim dialogue." In response to the first pod of season one episodes, The Chicago Tribune went as far as saying, "You could watch the first few episodes of “Heroes,” or you could repeatedly hit yourself on the head with a brick. The effect is surprisingly similar."[103] At Metacritic, the Heroes pilot received a 67/100, with generally favorable reviews from critics.[6]

Additionally, the second season of Heroes was criticized by commentators and fans for a much slower pace, less engaging storyline and lack of focus compared to the first season. Milo Ventimiglia stated that "when there's a little bit of a delay, there's not that instant, rewarding scene or moment or episode… people get impatient, so it has been extremely important for them to strike a balance between giving and getting."[104]

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Heroes creator Tim Kring commented on criticisms of season two, and the series' 15% decline in ratings.[11] Kring said that he felt he had made mistakes with the direction of season two. He had thought that the audience was looking for a "build-up of characters and the discovery of their powers", in contrast to season one, when viewers were instead looking for "adrenaline."

Kring also outlined what he felt were problems with plot development, stating that the second season "took too long to get to the big-picture story", explaining that Peter's vision of the viral armageddon should have occurred in the first episode instead of the seventh. He feels that it would have been better to introduce new characters within the context of the main storyline, as with Elle, rather than in unattached arcs such as that of Maya and Alejandro. Kring also admitted that he should have resolved the "Hiro in Japan" storyline much more quickly, and that the romantic stories are not working well. With regards to Claire and West, and Hiro and Yaeko, he said, "I've seen more convincing romances on TV. In retrospect, I don't think romance is a natural fit for us."[11]


Seasonal USA rankings (based on average total viewers per episode) of Heroes on NBC:
Season Timeslot (EDT) Premiere Finale TV season Rank Viewers

(in millions)

1 Monday 9:00PM September 25, 2006 May 21, 2007 2006–2007 #21[citation needed] 14.3[citation needed] 8.0[citation needed]
2 Monday 9:00PM September 24, 2007 December 3, 2007 2007 #21[105] 13.1[106] TBA
3 Monday 9:00PM September 22, 2008

The pilot episode generated 14.3 million viewers,[107] with the season high topping out at 16.03 million viewers for episode 9.[108] When the series returned from hiatus on January 22, 2007, the ratings averaged about the same as the pilot with 14.9 million viewers.[109] When the show went on a second hiatus during the first season, from March 4, 2007 to April 23, 2007 (7 weeks), ratings hit an all time low; the lowest being 11.14 million viewers during part one of the three part finale, "The Hard Part."[110] In season two, the opener was consistent in the ratings, however, week-by-week, the ratings continued to dive, reaching an all time low for the series on episode seven, "Out of Time", with only 9.87 million viewers. Although the ratings were lower than average, this episode was considered to be a turning point for the declining season, as a major plot twist was introduced and the volumes "big picture storyline" was presented.[111][11] The season two/volume 2 finale generated 11.06 million viewers in the ratings, down more than 3 million viewers from the season opener and series pilot.[112].

Heroes also airs in other countries; ratings and rankings for some of these markets include:

* Australia: The first season aired on the Seven Network Wednesday nights at 8:30 pm. The series debuted strongly, attracting more than 2 million viewers in the five capital cities. Viewership settled closer to 1 million nearing the end of the first season and the show was moved to Thursdays at 8:30 pm in New South Wales and Queensland but remained in the 8:30pm Wednesday timeslot in other states, the move of the timeslot in the northern states successfully attracted more viewers in those areas. In an effort to keep viewer numbers high the Seven Network began showing the second season on Thursday nights at 9:30pm across all areas, a week after the US screening.[113] The network aired only nine of the eleven episodes released from the second season in 2007, with the ninth being incorrectly advertised as the season finale. The Seven Network aired the remaining two episodes on August 6, 2008, and the third season began airing on October 9, 2008 at 9.30pm. Channel seven has since bumped the show to 10.30pm Thursdays[114].
* France: The first season aired over the summer of 2007 on TF1, with three episodes each Saturday night beginning at 8:50 pm. The series debuted strongly, with the premiere attracting just over 6 million viewers in France.[115] Over the summer viewership fell to under 4 million, disappointing TF1.[116] Nonetheless, TF1 will be presenting season 2 as VOD only, one day after the US broadcast each week.[117] A Canadian French-dubbed version of Season 1 also airs on Canada's TVA network, Thursdays at 9:00 PM and two episodes of Season 2 on Mystère each Mondays at 8:00 PM.[118]
* Germany: The series currently airs on RTL 2. It premiered on October 10, 2007, attracting 2.90 million viewers (17.3% of share in the 18-49 years old target) on its first showing, making it a huge success. After 24, this is the most successful premiere on RTL 2 ever.[119]
* Hong Kong: The series airs on TVB Pearl.[120] The first three episodes of the first season became three of the top 100 rating programs on English channels in Hong Kong in 2007, each attracting 309,000 to 346,000 viewers.[121]The series was also voted as the second most popular drama series on TVB Pearl.[122]
* Netherlands: The series currently airs on RTL5.[1] The series premiere had low ratings (405,000 viewers), though a replay drew 572,000 viewers (8.6% market share).[123] Currently the series draws some 350,000 viewers each episode.
* South Africa: The series first aired on May 23, 2007 on SABC3; with the premiere attracting 733,300 viewers and a 10% audience share. Ratings dropped as the season progressed as other shows in the same timeslot increased in popularity.[124]
* United Kingdom: The series first aired on February 19, 2007 on Sci Fi UK.[1] The premiere attracted 579,000 viewers on its first showing; with three repeat airings, which averaged 150,000 viewers.[citation needed] The series averaged 450,000 viewers, which is almost four times more viewers than any other program on Sci Fi UK.[125] Season two of Heroes first aired on April 24, 2008 at 9pm on BBC Two, with the finale airing on the same network July 3, 2008 which attracted about 3.7 million viewers. Heroes Season 3 began on October 1, 2008 on BBC Two and gained 3.81 million viewers.

Comparisons with other works

The show's creators have answered criticism over similarities between elements of the show and the X-Men in their live blog, saying "I think there is a shorthand to compare it to X-Men when you have not yet seen the show. However, my guess is that that comparison will go away once you have seen what we are doing."[126][127]

On February 7, 2007, Jeph Loeb, co-executive producer of Heroes and the other creators compared Heroes to 24, stating, that like 24, each season would conclude and the next season would introduce a new plotline. In the same interview, Tim Kring compared Heroes to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Incredibles, stating the characters in Eternal Sunshine were "ordinary...and unexpected," but well responded to; and the characters in Disney/Pixar's The Incredibles were superpowered people who had to deal with the stresses and problems that arose when they attempted to live a normal life.[50][128]

Bob Smithouser at, reviewed the Heroes pilot and compared it as a combination of elements from The 4400, Lost, X-Men, and Stephen King's The Stand.[129] Aron Coliete and Joe Pakaski have stated that "comics have a huge influence on us." Watchmen, Days of Future Past, Y: The Last Man, The Dark Knight Returns, and The Long Halloween are a few examples that they gave. Other non-comicbook examples included the 9/11 documentary Loose Change and the novel The Fourth K by Mario Puzo.[130]

Legal and copyright issues

On October 2, 2006, Emerson Electric Company, an appliance market competitor of NBC's owner General Electric, filed suit in federal court against NBC. The suit was in regard to a scene that appeared in "Genesis", the first episode of season one, when Claire Bennet reached into an active garbage disposal unit—labeled "InSinkErator"—to retrieve a ring and severely disfigured her hand. Emerson claimed the scene "casts the disposer in an unsavory light, irreparably tarnishing the product" by suggesting serious injuries would result "in the event consumers were to accidentally insert their hand into one." Emerson had asked for a ruling barring future broadcasts of the pilot, which was previously available on NBC's website and had already aired on NBC Universal-owned cable networks USA Network and The Sci Fi Channel. It also sought to block NBC from using any Emerson trademarks in the future.[131]

On February 23, 2007, the case against NBC was dropped. NBC Universal and Emerson Electric reached an agreement to settle the lawsuit outside of court.[132] The episode in question was briefly unavailable in the iTunes Store, but an edited version was soon made available for download. A non-edited version of the episode was shown in the BBC Two premiere on July 25, 2007. The DVD and HD DVD releases contain an edited version where the "InSinkErator" label has been removed from the scene.

On March 19, 2007, Clifton Mallery and Amnau Karam Eele, artist and writers for the NBC series Crossing Jordan, filed suit against NBC and Tim Kring claiming that the idea for an artist who can paint the future was stolen from a short story, painting and short film that they had produced. The lawsuit is centered around the character of Isaac Mendez. NBC called the suit without merit and defended their case. On December 11, 2007, the New York Law Journal reported on Mallery v. NBC Universal, quoting from Southern District Judge Denise Cote's opinion that "the line between mere 'ideas' and protected 'expression' is 'famously difficult to fix precisely'", and stating that Heroes was not close to infringing.[133][134]

Promotions, fandom and references in popular culture

Following the debut of Heroes in 2006, the tagline Save the Cheerleader, Save the World was recognized within the television industry as an effective marketing device.[135] The series has since been referenced and parodied in several other series and movies including Ugly Betty,[136] Shaq's Big Challenge, Family Guy,[135][136] The Simpsons, The Batman, One Tree Hill, Kyle XY, Meet the Spartans, MadTV. Other mentions include a promotional campaign on Comedy Central for the film Joe Dirt,[136] a promotional campaign on Epic Movie[137] by Regency Enterprises, issue 39 of Marvel Comic's Cable and Deadpool series,[138] along with references to Sylar and Matt Parkman in the webcomic series Ctrl+Alt+Del[139] and 2PSTART[140] respectively. In 2006, NBC also created a Heroes parody entitled Zeroes. Zeroes, which was released as a viral video on sites including YouTube, features parodies including four chapters and an open audition. Development and production of the project was kept secret from Heroes creator Tim Kring.[141] NBC has also cross promoted the show on several of its series, including 30 Rock, Bionic Woman, Chuck,[142] ER, My Name Is Earl, The Office, Scrubs,[143] and Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip.

NBC hosted panels at the 2006, 2007, and 2008 Comic-Cons in San Diego to promote the series. Major announcements have been made during the panel, along with sneak peaks of forthcoming seasons. In 2006, the Heroes panel presented the entire season one 72-minute pilot. In 2007, major announcements were made about Heroes: Origins. In 2008 the first half of the season three premiere was shown, with some footage being leaked onto YouTube by a fan viewers camera phone.[citation needed] Comic-Con also allows the cast and crew to answer questions from the press and from fans.[144][145]
Billboard for Heroes World Tour, Singapore Changi Airport, Singapore.

On July 21, 2007, Tim Kring announced that cast and crew members of Heroes would travel the world for the Heroes World Tour to promote the season one DVD release and the forthcoming season two. The tour took place in North America (New York and Toronto), Asia (Singapore, Tokyo, and Hong Kong) and Europe (Munich, Paris and London). The tour began on August 26, and ended on September 1, 2007. Most principal cast members attended in three groups; one group for each country. Tim Sale, Jeph Loeb, and Dennis Hammer attended from the production crew. Principal cast members who did not attend were David Anders, Kristen Bell, Dana Davis, Leonard Roberts and Tawny Cypress.[146]

On November 12, 2007, the "Create Your Own Hero" promotion was unveiled. Heroes fans can go online on their computer or mobile phone and select characteristics for a new "hero", who will be built based on the most-picked traits. Each week, the character will evolve based on the fans' input, and he or she will be shown on air every Monday during the series airing.[147]


Television and radio

See also: Heroes Unmasked and The Post Show

Heroes Unmasked is a series on BBC that goes behind-the-scenes of the production of Heroes. Many details of Heroes are revealed, including set design, props, special effects and costuming, as well as blue and green screen animation. The first two series of this show were narrated by Anthony Head, the third is voiced by Santiago Cabrera.[148] U.S. network G4 began airing Heroes episodes on November 3, 2007, along with an American version of Heroes Unmasked entitled The Post Show. The series, which will air following Heroes, includes interviews, live viewer commentary, interactive polls, behind-the-scenes footage and other Heroes content.[149] U.S. Network MOJO HD also airs Heroes episodes in High Definition.[150]However, that network will be going off the air at the start of December 2008, and it is unknown if the HD rights will move to either a new channel (such as NBCU's Universal HD), or to G4, which will launch a high definition simulcast of their network in the same month.

In November 2007, the BBC made four short '2 Dimensional' films where actors from the series look through a '2' shaped hole into a room which reflects the character they play in Heroes.[151] A new short was revealed just before Episode 1 of season 3 aired on BBC2, featuring Masi Oka staring into an anime-styled montage of Hiro.

BBC7 radio broadcast "Heroes—The Official Radio Show" with Jon Holmes, every Saturday at 7:30 on BBC7 DAB digital radio. The program is also available as a podcast.[152]

Internet and digital extensions

See also: Heroes Evolutions

The Heroes production team also has official series content on the internet. Writers Joe Pokaski and Aron Coleite hold a weekly "Question and Answer" column hosted by entitled "Behind the Eclipse".[153] Every week, since October 23, 2006, Joe Pokaski and Aron Coleite have answered questions regarding the previous weeks episodes, before the airing of the Monday night episode. Questions are submitted by fans and CBR editors. Show producer and director Greg Beeman also posts weekly on his blog where he discusses how the episode is filmed and gives spoilers for the upcoming episode. This is usually posted on Mondays, prior to the airing of Heroes on NBC. The Beeman blog began on August 4, 2006.[154]

Heroes Evolutions is a digital extension of the series released on January 19, 2007 which explores the Heroes universe and provides clues to the show's mythology. It was entitled Heroes 360 Experience throughout the first season and rebranded for the second season.[14] Heroes Interactive, is an interactive website which began operation on January 29, 2007, during the airing of "The Fix". Hosted at, it offers behind the scenes information, polls, trivia, and quizzes, as well as recent posts by Hana Gitelman. The features air once a week, and are designed to be viewed concurrently with that week's episode.[155] NBC's website also hosts a number of official online media including episode commentaries, features with producers, cast and crew members, behind-the-scene webisodes, and interactive media. Portals include Inside Heroes and Heroes episode commentary.

Complete episodes of Heroes are available online, to US residents only, along with downloads through the "NBC Direct" service.[156] Episodes are also available on iTunes in 720p High Definition, although they were unavailable for a few months when NBC and Apple Inc. were unable to come to a renewal deal. Series 1 and 2 are currently available for streaming on Netflix, which requires a paid subscription.[157]

NBC Universal announced on April 2, 2008, that NBC Digital Entertainment would release a series on online content for the summer and fall of 2008, including more original web content and webisodes. Heroes webisode are expected to air through an extension of the Heroes Evolutions in July. Other media and digital extensions announced include an online manhunts for the villains, the addition of more micro sites that allow the users to uncover more of the Heroes universe, wireless iTV interactivity and the ability to view the graphic novel on mobile platforms. [158]

Create Your Hero is a fan-based, interactive promotion on, which calls upon Heroes fans to vote on various personality and physical attributes for the creation of a new hero. The new hero will "come to life" in an original, live-action series run exclusively on, debuting during the November 2008 sweeps week. The promotion is sponsored by Sprint. [159]

Heroes Versus is the first official Heroes MySpace application. It invites Heroes fans to create and vote on VS match-ups between characters, abilities and other using photos and videos from the show. It officially launched on September 22, 2008 with the premier of Season 3.

Video and mobile games

Ubisoft had announced that they had licensed the rights to produce an as yet untitled Heroes video game. The game was expected to be released for PC and console gaming platforms.[160] However, on November 6, 2008, Ubisoft announced it will no longer produce the game and the rights transferred back to NBC Universal.[161] Gameloft released the first Heroes mobile game on October 5, 2007. It consists of 8 levels and playable characters include Hiro Nakamura, Niki Sanders and Peter Petrelli. All three characters are played in their present and future forms as shown in "Five Years Gone". The mobile game has released the names of several members of the Company founders, including Arthur Petrelli and Maury Parkman.[162][163]

Books and publications

Each week, NBC releases a Heroes webcomic. The comics give additional character background and plot information not shown in the television episodes. The graphic novels continued on a weekly basis during the show's 2007 summer hiatus. Wildstorm, a subsidiary of DC Comics, released them in published form on November 7, 2007.[15] The collected volume included novels 1-34, and featured two different covers by Alex Ross and Jim Lee as well as an introduction by Masi Oka and artwork by Tim Sale.[164]

On December 26, 2007, the first Heroes novel was published, entitled Saving Charlie. Written by Aury Wallington, who wrote the book with the full cooperation of the Heroes writing staff, the novel revolves around the relationship of Hiro Nakamura and Charlie Andrews, when Hiro went back in time six months to attempt to save her.[165]

Titan Magazines released the first issue of Heroes Magazine on November 20, 2007. It is the first of a series of six, slated to be released bi-monthly. The first issue is a 100 page premiere issue. Feature articles include a cast group interview, a secret origins featurette, and a season one episode guide.[166] Greg Beeman, executive producer of Heroes has confirmed that this is an official Heroes release, with the full support and cooperation of Tim Kring and the rest of the Heroes production team.[167][168]

Action figures

Mezco announced at Toy Fair 2007 that they will be producing a line of action figures based on the television show Heroes. The figures will have at least 8 points of articulation, and feature central accessories. Along with action figures, Mezco announced a collection of screen grabs, non-articulated 3 3/4" figures on a display recreating a pivotal scene of the series.[169][170] The action figures are featured on the cover of the March 2008 (issue #127) of ToyFare magazine.[171] The first series, Series I, includes Peter Petrelli, Claire Bennet, Hiro Nakamura, Sylar and Mohinder Suresh, with exclusive figures of "flying" Peter Petrelli, "fire-rescue" Claire Bennet, "Times Square teleportation" Hiro Nakamura, "painting" Sylar only available at the 2008 Comic Con in San Diego, "invisible" Peter Petrelli limited to 1000, "vanishing" Peter Petrelli limited to 500 both exclusive to[172][173] The second series, Series II, includes Niki Sanders/Jessica Sanders, Mr. Bennet, Daniel Linderman, Matt Parkman (with Molly Walker) and Claude, with exclusive "vanishing" Claude, and Future Hiro to be released in September 2008.[174]

Other series will feature the following characters if approved: Hiro Nakamura in Feudal armor, The Haitian, Nathan Petrelli, Future Peter Petrelli, Elle Bishop and Adam Monroe, and would reach the shelves in either late 2008 or early 2009. Pictures of the prototypes can be viewed as well.[175]

The references used in this article may be clearer with a different or consistent style of citation, footnoting, or external linking.

1. ^ a b c "Company credits for Heroes". Internet Movie Database. Retrieved on 2007-12-26.
2. ^ a b Kring, Tim (2006-09-24). "How many seasons/scripts are plotted out?". NBC Universal Heroes Live Blog. Retrieved on 2006-10-31.
3. ^ a b c "Heroes TV Show on NBC". Retrieved on 2008-03-28.
4. ^ a b "Real locations or movie magic?". (2005-09-25). Retrieved on 2008-03-28.
5. ^ NBC Universal (2006-09-26). "'Heroes' debut paces NBC's second Monday win of the new season". Press release. Retrieved on 2006-09-29.
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9. ^ McLean, Tom (2007-05-14). ""Heroes" spins off". Bags and Boards. Retrieved on 2007-05-14.
10. ^ Strachan, Alex (2007-11-07). "Casualties of the Hollywood writers strike". The Gazette. Retrieved on 2007-11-07.
11. ^ a b c d Jensen, Jeff (2007-11-07). "'Heroes' Creator Apologizes to Fans". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved on 2007-11-16.
12. ^ Finn, Natalie (2007-12-03). "Heroes Drops Some Dead Weight". E!. Retrieved on 2007-12-04.
13. ^ a b c d Spelling, Ian (2008-04-04). "Heroes Returns; Origins Dies". Sci Fi Wire. Retrieved on 2008-04-04.
14. ^ a b NBC. "Heroes TV Show on NBC: NBC Official Site". Retrieved on 2008-04-08.
15. ^ a b "Heroes Hardcover Release Date Announced". IGN (2007-09-05). Retrieved on 2007-09-09.
16. ^ NBC Universal (2008-04-02). "NBC Digital Entertainment Brings More Video, Original Content And Interactivity For Summer And Fall Season Programming". Press release. Retrieved on 2008-04-19.
17. ^ Cynthia Littleton (2008-11-02). "Heroes duo get the ax", Variety. Retrieved on 2008-11-03.
18. ^ Cynthia Littleton (2008-11-03). "Tim Kring refocuses 'Heroes'", Variety. Retrieved on 2008-11-04.
19. ^ Kaplan, Don (2007-01-22). "New 'Heroes' Guy Revealed!". New York Post. Retrieved on 2008-04-16.
20. ^ Buckman, Adam (2007-03-05). "'Heroes' Spring Break". New York Post. Retrieved on 2008-04-16.
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22. ^ "Heroes: (Volume Two: "Generations") Four Months Later... -". Retrieved on 2008-04-19.
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25. ^ Goldman, Eric (2007-12-14). "Heroes Creator Tim Kring Talks". IGN. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
26. ^ Carter, Bill (2008-07-21). "‘Heroes’ Is Ready for Its Rebound". The New York Times. Retrieved on 2008-09-17.
27. ^ Phegley, Kiel (2007-12-20). "Tim Kring on 'Heroes' Vol. 3". Wizard Universe. Retrieved on 2008-02-03.
28. ^ Goldman, Eric (2007-12-14). "Heroes Creator Tim Kring Talks". IGN. Retrieved on 2008-03-02.
29. ^ Josef Adalian (2008-05-23). "NBC Revamps Fall Plans, Delays Series Launches". Retrieved on 2008-09-18.
30. ^ "Tim Kring on Volume 2 Finale, Possible Volume 3 Storylines". (2007-12-04). Retrieved on 2008-09-18.
31. ^ "Cult TV Show ’Heroes’ Live On Stage!". Retrieved on 2008-09-18.
32. ^ Wright, Bekah (2008-04-22). "Heroes Director Gives a Glimpse of Next Season". TV Guide. Retrieved on 2008-06-27.
33. ^ Vlada Gelman (2008-05-09). "Good Guys and Bad Guys". TVWeek. Retrieved on 2008-09-20.
34. ^ Don Williams (2008-07-02). "'Heroes' Season 3 Premiere May Be Screened at Comic-Con". BuddyTV. Retrieved on 2008-09-20.
35. ^ "Season 3 SPOILERS: Linderman, Mohinder, Nathan, and Claire’s Bad Side". (2008-07-08). Retrieved on 2008-09-20.
36. ^ Hibberd, James (2008-07-26). "Tim Kring Screens Heroes Third Season Premiere". The Live Feed. Retrieved on 2008-08-02.
37. ^ Neil Wilkes (2008-08-23). "Title of 'Heroes' volume four revealed". Digital Spy. Retrieved on 2008-09-20.
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39. ^ "Heroes cast page". NBC. Retrieved on 2007-05-18.
40. ^ Leonard Roberts
41. ^ Schneider, Michael (2006-10-23). "'Heroes' zeros in on its bad guy". Variety. Retrieved on 2006-10-27.
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44. ^ a b c Kring, Tim (creator). (2008-08-28). (Unknown episode) (DVD) [Season one episodes]. NBC Universal Media. Retrieved on 2008-01-20.
45. ^ Tim Kring. "Heroes Live Blog: Why I wanted to do a show like Heroes". NBC. Retrieved on 2008-02-02.
46. ^ Tim Kring. "Heroes Live Blog: Friends with the creator of LOST". NBC. Retrieved on 2008-02-02.
47. ^ "Interview with Jef Loeb". NBC. Retrieved on 2008-02-02.
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49. ^ a b Tim Kring. "Heroes Live Blog: The Pitch Process to NBC". NBC. Retrieved on 2008-02-02.
50. ^ a b c d "Heroes Execs discuss show’s future, LOST, more/".
51. ^ Goldman, Eric (2006-06-22). "Comic-Con 2006: Heroes Pilot Premiere". IGN. Retrieved on 2006-11-01.
52. ^ Tribbey, Chris (2007-07-26). "The HD DVD of "Heroes" Comes Packed With Interactive Extras". Retrieved on 2007-07-26.
53. ^ Taylor, Robert (2006-10-26). "Reflections: Talking with Bryan Fuller". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved on 2006-11-01.
54. ^ " Interview: Tim Kring HEROES Creator". the TV Addict (2006-10-12). Retrieved on 2008-04-19.
55. ^ Heroes TV Show on NBC: NBC Official Site
56. ^ a b c Greg Beeman. "BEEMAN’S BLOG – SEASON 2, EPISODE 11". Retrieved on 2008-01-31.
57. ^ 22nd Annual ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards > Playback Summer 2007
58. ^ Bienvenue chez Victoria !
59. ^ Olund, Melissa (2006-09-26). "Rogue Wave on 'Heroes'". Retrieved on 2007-09-16.
60. ^ Heroes soundtrack, music videos on the way - Today's News: Our Take |
61. ^ Dylan, Bowie on Heroes soundtrack | Entertainment | Reuters
62. ^ ''Heroes'' soundtrack taps Bob Dylan, Wilco | Heroes | Television News | News + Notes | Entertainment Weekly
63. ^ Wendy and Lisa prepare 'Heroes' score album
64. ^ fxguide - vfx knowledge - Heroic VFX : Stargate Digital and NBC's Heroes
65. ^ Heroes TV Show on NBC: NBC Official Site
66. ^ Heroes TV Show on NBC: NBC Official Site
67. ^ Heroes TV Show on NBC: NBC Official Site
68. ^ Smith, Zack (2006-11-14). "Talking Heroes and comics with Tim Sale". Newsarama. Retrieved on 2007-03-21.
69. ^ George, Richard (2006-10-26). "Loeb Talks Heroes". IGN. Retrieved on 2007-03-21.
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71. ^ " Heroes: Season 1 - Part 1 [2006]: Ali Larter,Hayden Panettiere,Greg Grunberg,Milo Ventimiglia,Adrian Pasdar,Masi Oka,Greg Beeman,Allan Arkush: DVD". Retrieved on 2008-04-27.
72. ^ " Heroes: Season 1 - Part 2 [2006]: Masi Oka,Greg Grunberg,Ali Larter,Hayden Panettiere,Milo Ventimiglia,Adrian Pasdar,Christopher Eccleston,John Badham,Jack Coleman: DVD". Retrieved on 2008-04-27.
73. ^ " Heroes - Season 1 Complete [2006]: Milo Ventimiglia,Adrian Pasdar,Hayden Panettiere,Ali Larter,Masi Oka,Jack Coleman,Greg Grunberg: DVD". Retrieved on 2008-04-27.
74. ^ Heroes - A list of extras for Season 1
75. ^ a b Heroes - Season 1 :: Universal Pictures Australia
76. ^ a b c "The 33rd Annual Saturn Awards Nominations". The Saturn Awards. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
77. ^ "Universal Unveils Inaugural Slate of Film and TV Offerings Coming to Blu-ray Disc Day and Date With DVD". PR Newswire (April 17, 2007). Retrieved on 2008-04-19.
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80. ^ a b NBC Universal (2007-05-14). "NBC delivers the quality once again this fall, [...] for its 2007-08 Primetime schedule". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-05-14.
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82. ^ a b "NBC cans 'Studio 60,' 'Jordan'". CNN (2007-05-14). Archived from the original on 2007-05-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-14.
83. ^ "Heroes Spin-Off Cancelled by NBC" (TV Guide)
84. ^ ""False start for NBC's 'Heroes: Origins'"". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved on 2007-11-01.
85. ^ ""NBC holds 'Heroes' spinoff, possible strike might have influenced decision"". Variety. Retrieved on 2007-11-01.
86. ^ "Heroes Live Blog". Retrieved on 2007-09-25.
87. ^ My Boring Ass Life » The Guy Who Ruined “Heroes” *
88. ^ "Dougherty, Roth writing 'Origins' episodes"
89. ^ Tim Kring
90. ^ "Heroes' fourth volume named". Retrieved on 2008-08-28.
91. ^ Kushner, David (2007-04-23). "Santiago Cabera: Heroes Artistic Hero". Wired News. Retrieved on 2008-02-03.
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94. ^ American Film Institute (2006-12-10). "AFI Awards 2006 Official Selections Announced" (PDF). Press release. Retrieved on 2006-12-11.
95. ^ Writers Guild of America (2006-12-14). "2007 Writers Guild Awards Television & Radio Nominees Announced". Press release. Retrieved on 2006-12-14.
96. ^ Hollywood Foreign Press Association (2006-12-14). "Hollywood Foreign Press Association Announced the Nominations for the 64th Golden Globe Awards". Press release. Retrieved on 2006-12-14.
97. ^ "Aniston, Depp are People's Choice winners". (2007-01-09). Retrieved on 2007-01-10.
98. ^ National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (2007-01-09). "The 38th NAACP Image Awards Nomination Results" (PDF). Press release. Retrieved on 2007-03-03.
99. ^ Hinman, Michael (2007-07-19). "'Heroes' Grabs Eight Emmy Nominations". SyFy Portal. Retrieved on 2007-07-19.
100. ^ Television Critics Association (2007-07-21). "NBC Triumphs At TCA Awards". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-12-30.
101. ^ Poniewozik, James (2006-12-17). "People Who Mattered 2006: The Cast of Heroes". Time. Retrieved on 2006-12-31.
102. ^ Heroes
103. ^ The Watcher - All TV, all the time | Chicago Tribune | Blog
104. ^ "".
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106. ^ "Season Program Rankings" (PDF). ABC Medianet (2008-05-28). Retrieved on 2008-06-02.
107. ^ The Arizona Republic (September 26, 2006). "Heroes Premiere Delivers NBC's Highest 18–49 Rating for Any Fall Drama Debut in Five Years". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-12-22.
108. ^ The Futon Critic (November 28, 2006). "Ratings: Top 20 in Total Viewers (in Millions)". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-12-21.
109. ^ ABC Medianet (January 30, 2007). "Weekly Program Rankings". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-12-20.
110. ^ ABC Medianet (May 15, 2007). "Weekly Program Rankings". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-12-21.
111. ^ ABC Medianet (November 13, 2007). "Weekly Program Rankings". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-12-19.
112. ^ ABC Medianet (December 11, 2007). "Weekly Program Rankings". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-12-19.
113. ^ ",23739,22436984-5012464,00.html".
114. ^ Knox, David, "Gone: Prison Break. Bumped: Heroes" TV Tonight, October 31, 2008. Retrieved on October 31, 2008.
115. ^ ""Heroes" séduit 6 millions de téléspectateurs" (in French). (2007-07-01). Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
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117. ^ Deleurence, Guillaume (2007-10-02). "50 000 internautes ont loué le premier épisode de la nouvelle saison de Heroes" (in French). Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
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119. ^ "Heroes übertrifft sämtliche Erwartungen" (in German). (2007-11-11). Retrieved on 2007-11-07.
120. ^ "Pearl – Heroes". TVB Pearl. Retrieved on 2008-01-02.
121. ^ "Top 100 programs on English channels 2007" (PDF).
122. ^ "2007s Pearl's ten most popular drama series".
123. ^ "576.000 kijkers voor Heroes" (in Dutch). (2007-06-24). Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
124. ^ | television | show ratings 'Heroes' suffers a shaky start
125. ^ "Weekly Viewing Summary". Broadcasters' Audience Research Board. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
126. ^ Dwyer, Sean (2006-07-26). "Pilot Episode of NBC's Heroes Leaks Online". Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
127. ^ "Heroes Live Blog: September 2006". NBC Universal Heroes Live Blog (2006-09-25). Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
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131. ^ "Garbage Disposal Maker Sues NBC Over 'Heroes' Scene". (2006-10-03). Retrieved on 2006-10-03.
132. ^ Goetzl, David (2007-02-23). "Emerson Drops Product Placement Case Against NBC". MediaDailyNews. Retrieved on 2007-02-23.
133. ^ Beth Bar (December 11, 2007). "Judge Dismisses 'Absurd' Copyright Suit Over 'Heroes'". New York Law Journal. Retrieved on 2008-01-21.
134. ^ "Smack Talk: Heroes Accused of Thievery".
135. ^ a b Schneider, Michael (2006-11-27). "Inside Move: Rival Blurbsters Find Heroes at NBC". Variety. Retrieved on 2008-01-26.
136. ^ a b c Germain, Lussier; Robin A. Rothman (2007-01-05). "The Top 10 TV Shows of 2006". Times Herald-Record. Retrieved on 2008-01-26.
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144. ^ "Extended Interview with Tim Kring of 'Heroes'". Comic-Con International. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
145. ^ "Comic-Con 2007: Programming". Comic-Con International. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
146. ^ "Heroes World Tour". NBC. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
147. ^ "NBC Lets Fans Create Own 'Heroes'".
148. ^ BBC - Drama - Heroes - Heroes Unmasked
149. ^ G4 - Heroes - Home
150. ^ Heroes | MOJO
151. ^ "2Dimensions". BBC Two (2007). Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
152. ^ Heroes The Official Radio Show - BBC 7
153. ^ "Behind the Eclipse: "Heroes" episodes 1-5". Comic Book Resources (2006-11-23). Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
154. ^ Beeman, Greg (2006-08-04). "First Post". Beaming Beeman. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
155. ^ Heroes TV Show on NBC: NBC Official Site
156. ^ "NBC: Video". NBC. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
157. ^ Netflix Online Movie Rentals - Rent DVDs, Classic Films to DVD New Releases
158. ^ Nbc Digital Entertainment Brings More Video, Original Content And Interactivity For Summer And Fall Season Programming
159. ^ M80 Newsroom
160. ^ Magrino, Tom (2007-07-26). "Ubisoft finds Heroes". GameSpot. Retrieved on 2007-07-27.
161. ^ John, Tracey (Novemeber 6, 2008). "Ubisoft Drops Plans For ‘Heroes’ Game" (in English). MTV Multiplayer. Retrieved on 2008-11-07.
162. ^ "Gameloft and NBC Universal enter worldwide agreement to bring the #1 television drama series 'Heroes' to mobile phones". Gameloft (2007-03-27). Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
163. ^ supadupagama (2007-08-19). "Heroes: The Mobile Game developer walkthrough video". Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
164. ^ NBC Universal (2007-07-26). "DC Comics to publish graphic novel based on NBC's Emmy and Golden Globe nominated hit series 'Heroes'". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
165. ^ NBC Universal (2007-09-18). "Del Rey to publish novel 'Heroes: Saving Charlie,' based on NBC's Emmy and Golden Globe nominated hit series Heroes and its Japanese time traveller 'Hiro'". Press release. Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
166. ^ "Heroes Magazine Issue 1". Titan Magazines (2007). Retrieved on 2007-12-28.
167. ^ Heroes Issue 2 @ Titan Magazines
168. ^ Heroes TV Show on NBC: NBC Official Site
169. ^ "Mezco Toys Releases Heroes Action Figures". TVCrunch (2008-01-11). Retrieved on 2008-09-19.
170. ^ Jay Cochran (2007-09-19). "Mezco Toyz' President Drops By To Talk Some Heroes". Toy News International. Retrieved on 2008-09-19.
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172. ^ "Mezco Announces "Heroes" Toys "R" Us Exclusive Figures". (2008-04-02). Retrieved on 2008-09-19.
173. ^ "Future Hiro Summer Exclusive Available For PreOrder At Mezco Direct". (2008-05-05). Retrieved on 2008-09-19.
174. ^ "Heroes Series 2 set of 5 figures". (2008). Retrieved on 2008-09-19.
175. ^ "More Heroes Action Figures — Linderman, Elle, and even Takezo Kensei!". (2008-02-20). Retrieved on 2008-09-19.

External links
Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:
Heroes (TV series)
Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
Heroes (TV series)

Official sites

* Heroes on NBC - Official NBC site for Heroes in the United States
* Heroes on BBC - Official BBC site for Heroes in the United Kingdom
* 9th Wonders! - Semi-official site from Heroes creator Tim Kring
* The Beeman Blog - Official weblog of Producer Greg Beeman
* Heroes Evolutions
* Official Wiki

Other sites

* Heroes at the Internet Movie Database
* Heroes at
* Heroes Wiki

v • d • e

Main characters
Claire Bennet • Noah Bennet • Elle Bishop • Monica Dawson • Simone Deveaux • D. L. Hawkins • Maya Herrera • Ando Masahashi • Isaac Mendez • Adam Monroe • Hiro Nakamura • Matt Parkman • Angela Petrelli • Nathan Petrelli • Peter Petrelli • Micah Sanders • Niki Sanders • Tracy Strauss • Mohinder Suresh • Sylar

Other characters
Bob Bishop • Hana Gitelman • The Haitian • Molly Walker

9th Wonders! • Artwork of Isaac Mendez • The Company • Mythology

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one piece

One Piece (ワンピース wanpīsu) adalah sebuah anime dan manga tentang sekelompok bajak laut yang dipimpin oleh Monkey D. Luffy yang pergi mencari harta karun legendaris bernama One Piece.

One Piece diciptakan oleh Eiichiro Oda. Komiknya dimulai pada 1997 di Shonen Jump terbitan Shueisha dan hingga kini masih terus berlanjut. Versi TV nya dimulai pada Oktober 1999. Hingga 2007, lebih dari 514 cerita dan 52 jilid versi manganya telah diterbitkan. Di Indonesia manga ini diterbitkan Elex Media Komputindo dan hingga kini telah mencapai jilid ke-47. Versi TV-nya, yang diproduksi Toei, telah mencapai 312 episode di Jepang. Selain itu, delapan film layar lebarnya juga telah beredar. Di Indonesia sendiri pernah ditayangkan di RCTI dan kini ditayangkan di Global TV.

One Piece sukses berkat ceritanya yang kuat, penuh fantasi, nuansa humor yang khas, tokoh-tokohnya yang beraneka ragam, pertarungan yang ketat antara tokoh-tokoh yang aneh, serta tokoh-tokoh yang diceritakan secara mendalam. Sepertinya sangat jarang manga shonen yang mengangkat cerita tentang bajak laut. Popularitasnya di Jepang telah menyaingi Dragon Ball. Beberapa manga lainnya yang hampir mencapai kesuksesan seperti One Piece adalah InuYasha dan Naruto.

Pada Februari 2005, One Piece mencetak rekor di Jepang sebagai penerbitan manga yang tercepat mencapai 100.000.000 eksemplar.

manga One Piece mulai diserialisasikan pada majalah Shonen Jump edisi #34 pada tanggal 4 Agustus 1997. Animenya mulai diproduksi oleh Toe

i Animation di Fuji TV pada 20 Oktober 1999.

Pada awalnya, Eiichiro Oda merencanakan One Piece akan berjalan sekitar 5 tahun, dan dia telah menetapkan endingnya. Tetapi dia terlalu

"menikmati" jalan ceritanya dan sekarang dia tida

k tahu kapan One Piece akan berakhir.

One Piece adalah manga dengan penjualan tertinggi ke tiga (setelah Kochikame dan Dragon Ball sepanjang sejarah Shonen Jump. Manga ini juga yang menyebabkan total penjualan Shonen Jum

p naik pada 11 tahun terakhir ini. Volume 25 mem

egang rekor penjualan manga di Jepang, dengan 2.630.000 unit terjual pada cetakan pertama. Dan volume 46 mencapai lebih dari 140.000.000 unit terjual dan merupakan manga tercepat yang mencapai total penjualan 100.000.000.



Kepopuleran One Piece dalam Weekly Shonen Jump, membuat pihak Toei Animation memutuskan membuat serial anime nya. Rating animenya sangat tinggi dan hingga kini t


dirilis lebih dari 300 episode, 8 movie, dan 1 OVA


Awal dari era anime One Piece sebenarnya adala

h sebuah OVA One Piece, yaitu One Piece: Defeat the Pirate Ganzackt!, diterbitkan pada tahun 1997 kemudian diikuti tayangan mingguan per episode.

Sampai 30 Maret 2008, total episode TV One Piece yaitu 349 Episode. Dari episode 207 kedepan, One Piece disiarkan dalam fitur high-definition dengan resolusi 1080i. One Piece disiarkan rata-rata 4 episode per bulan.


Toei telah membuat 9 movie, dan semuanya dirilis setiap musim semi di Jepang sejak tahun 2000. Semua movie digarap dengan profesional, dan dengan tingkat grafik yang lebih tinggi dari tayangan mingguan biasanya. Movie tersebut juga memiliki plot tersendiri, dan jauh dari alur One Piece yang sebenarnya (non-canon), sehingga selain peminat One Piece pun bisa mengikuti movie ini. Ke 9 movie yaitu:

* One Piece: The Movie. Movie pertama dengan self titled, menceritakan petualan gan Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami, (Sanji belum masuk) mencari harta yang ditinggalkan Wonan, Bajak Laut legendaris. Tetapi harus berhadapan dengan Bajak Laut El Drago yang memiliki buah iblis.
* O ne Piece: Adventure in Clockwork Island. Petualangan Kelompok Topi Jerami di pulau misterius di East Blue yaitu Clockwork Island untuk mengejar kapal mereka yang dicuri Kartu Bersaudara.

* One Piece: Chopper's Kingdom of the Strange Animal. Kisah yang berpu sat pada Chopper yang mendadak menjadi se orang Raja dari segala hewan.

* One Piece: Dead End Adventure: Kisah tentang perlombaan balap kapal yang diikuti Topi Jerami karena kekurangan biaya. Tetapi ternyata pertandingan ini telah dikorup oleh Bajak Laut yaitu Jenderal Gasparade.

* One Piece: Curse of Seven Star Sword. Cerita yang memusatkan Roronoa Zoro, bercerita tentang keberadaan pedang terkutuk, Pedang Tujuh Bintang yang merasuki teman masa kecil Zoro, Saga.
* One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
* One Piece: Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle. Bercerita tentang keberadaan pulau canggih yang dibangun Dr. Ratchet. Kelompok Topi Jerami bertujuan akan menghentikan ambisi Ratchet untuk menguasai dunia.
* Episode of Arabasta: The Princess, Desert, and Pirates, menceritakan kembali sepenuhnya cerita Arabasta (akhir dari kisah Baroque Works).
* Episode of Chopper: Island of Perpetual Winter. Menceritakan kembali kisah Drum Kingdom, dengan beberapa tambahan cerita.

TV Special

Perhatian: Bagian di bawah ini mungkin akan membeberkan isi cerita yang penting atau akhir kisahnya.


D. Luffy,

seorang anak yang bercita-cita menjadi seorang raja bajak laut yang terinspirasi dari idolanya yaitu Shanks, Shanks mengarungi lautan untuk mencari harta karun legendaris One Piece yang ditinggalkan oleh raja bajak laut yaitu Gol D. Roger

Di awal perjalanannya, dia bertemu berbagai macam musuh sesama bajak laut, seperti Alvida, Buggy The Clown, Kuro, Don Krieg, dan Arlong. Dia juga telah mengumpulkan rekan seperjalannya, yaitu Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Sanji, dan Ussop yang akan mendampinginya mewujudkan cita-citanya. Sampai akhirnya Luffy dan kelompoknya yang dijuluki Kelomp

ok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami berhasil memasuki lautan legendaris Grand Line di mana One Piece berada.

Di Grand Line, awalnya mereka terlibat konflik langsung dengan organisasi kriminal Baroque Works yang dipimpin oleh Crocodile, seorang Shichibukai. Di tengah perjalanan mereka menambah satu kru lagi [Tony-Tony Chopper] yaitu dokter dengan wujud asli adalah rusa kutub berhidung biru pemakan buah Hito-Hito sehingga dapat berbicara dengan bahasa man

usia. Setelah berhasil menumbangkan Baroque Works beserta menggagalkan semua rencana menumbangkan sebuah negeri, Luffy dan kawan kawan

berlayar kembali dan berakhir di negeri langit Skypiea yang terletak di White Sea, di sini mereka harus menghentikan ambisi seorang

pemimpin serakah bernama [God Enel] yang sebelumnya menghancurkan kampung

halamannya sendiri. Sebelummnya mereka menambah satu kru lagi, yaitu [Nico Robin] seorang arkeolog dengan nilai buruan 79 juta Berry karena kemampuannya membaca phoneglyph.

Kelompok berhasil mengalahkan Enel dan menyelamatkan Skypiea dari kehancuran, me

reka pun turun ke Blue Sea lewat gurita. Mereka berlayar kembali dan sampai di Water Seven, di kota ini terkuak masa lalu [Nico Robin] dan hubungannya dengan agen rahasia pemerintah CP9. Demi membebaskan Nico Robin, grup bajak laut Topi Jerami menyatakan perang terbuka terh

adap pemerintah dunia sehingga mengakibatkan harga buruan masing-masing kru bertambah. Di Water Seven bertambah satu anggota lagi, yaitu Franky (Cutty Flam) dan kapal barunya Thousand Sunny yang terbuat dari kayu (Adam's Tree) yang sama dengan kapal Gol D. Roger, sang raja bajak laut. Kapal Thousand Sunny ini dibuat sebagai pengganti dari kapal Merry-Go yang tidak mampu berlayar lagi.

Mengikuti log pose, seharusnya tujuan selanjutnya ada Pulau Mermaid, tetapi grup baja

k la

ut Topi Jerami malah terdampar di Floriant Triangle dan masuk ke Thriller Bark, suatu kapal besar tempat kediaman seorang Shichibukai Gekkou Moria.

Di Thr

iller Bark, grup Topi Jerami berhasil menundukkan OZ (zombie terkuat ciptaan Moria) dan Moria itu sendiri. Zoro mendapatkan pedang baru dari Master Ryuuma dengan nama Shushui yang merupakan salah satu 12 pedang tertajam. Kemudian muncul kembali salah satu


ichibukai lain, yaitu Bartholomew Kuma (dengan julukannya "sang Tirani") yang ingin

memusnahkan semua saksi mata kekalahan Moria. Dan pertarungan melawan Kuma pun dimulai. Pertempuran itu berakhir dengan Zoro menanggung semua luka yang diderita Luffy sebagai wujud hormat kepadanya karena Kuma mempunyai kemampuan menghilangka

n luka dan penyakit dan sebagai ganti Kuma tak boleh menyentuh luffy.

Brooke, si manusia tengkorak mesum, pemakan buah Yomi-yomi menjadi kru kedelapan sebagai pemusik dengan kemampuan berpedang layaknya Zoro namun hanya satu pedang dan kemampuannya adalah melemahkan musuh dengan suara yang diciptakannya melalui biola. Dia ada

lah pelaut yang berjanji kepada Laboon, paus yang berada di Reverse Mountain, Red Line (pintu masuk Grand Line).

Mengikuti Log mereka keluar dari Triangle Floriant dan bertemu dengan orang yang me

miliki muka yang sama dengan poster Sanji dan juga duyung bernama Camie dan Merman Hacchi, sal

ah satu mantan anak buah bajak laut Arlong yang dulu menguasai Desa Kokoyashi, asal Nami. Hacchi juga merupakan pedagang Takoyaki yang terkenal enak.

melalui keduanya mereka tahu jika ingin melewati Red Line ada dua jalan, yaitu melalui Marie Joa markas angkatan laut atau melalui pulau merman yang berada 10.000 meter di bawah permukaan laut. Mereka meminta bantuan dari Rayleight atau Dark King yang dulu merupakan ana

k buah dikapal Gol D. Roger untuk memnuat kapal mereka bisa tenggelam tapi tid

ak rusak. Karena jalan satu-satunya menuju belahan lain Grand Line bagi bajak laut adalah melalui Pulau Merman.

Sebelum membuat kapal mereka tengelam mereka bertemu dengan 11 orang bajak laut yang disebut dengan Eleven Supernova (termasuk Luffy), yaitu bajak laut dengan nilai buruan diatas seratus juta beri. mereka adalah Capone Gang Benge bajak laut Firetank (138


Jewellry Bonney 'Big Eater' bajak laut Bonney (140.000.000), Basil Hawkins bajak laut Hawkins (249.000.000), Eustass Kid bajak laut Kid (315.000.000), Scrathmen Apoo 'Roar of The Sea' bajak laut On Air (198.000.000), X Drake 'Red Flag' b

ajak laut Drake (222.000.000), Urouge 'Mystery Monk' bajak laut Fallen Monk (108.000.000), Killer 'Massacre Man' ktu bajak laut Kid (162.000.000), Trafalgar Law 'Dark Doctor' bajak laut Heart (20

0.000.000), Roronoa Zoro kru baja

k laut Strawhat/Luffy (120.000.000), dan Monkey D. Luffy bajak laut Strawhat (300.000.000)

Sebelumnya saat mereka meninggalkan Floriant Triangle ada kabar kalau Portgas D. Ace, kakak Luffy tertangkap oleh Shicibukai baru pengganti Crocodille, yaitu Kurohige atau Marshall D

. Teach dan akan dihukum mati sehingga Shirohige yang juga merupakan salah satu kaisa

r lau

tan menyatakan perang terhadap pemerintahan dunia.

Mereka juga membuat masalah dengan Tenryuubito atau keturunan dari para pendiri pemerintahan dunia, sehingga siapa saja yang berani menggangunya akan berurusan dengan admiral. Mereka mempunyai kekuasaan absoulut. Mereka juga mau memjadikan Caime sebagi budak.

Luffy, Trafalgar Law, dan Eustass Kid menghadapi secara langsung Admiral Kizaru yang diperintahkan oleh Sengoku.

Jalan Cerita

Kisah East Blue

Permulaan serial ini yaitu ketika Luffy mencari anggota kelompok yang ingin berlayar ber

samanya. Dinamakan kisah East Blue karena latar cerita ini berada di perairan timur East Blue, sebelum memasuki Grand Line

* Cerita Romance Dawn kisah masa lalu Luffy, dimana dia bertemu Shanks dan berjanji pada Shanks untuk menjadi bajak laut yang hebat.'(Romance Dawn adalah judul resmi cerita masa lalu Luffy)
* Cerita Morgan 10 tahun setelah itu, Luffy berlayar menjadi bajak laut, untuk mencari
kru pertama, dia mengunjungi pangkalan angkatan laut dimana Zoro disekap. Tetapi dia harus menghadapi kapten Morgan dari angkatan laut.
* Cerita Buggy setelah Zoro bergabung, mereka terdampar di kota yang dikuasai bajak laut Buggy, Luffy juga bertemu Nami dan mengajaknya menjadi navigator kapal. Luffy dan Zoro harus menghadapi Buggy untuk menyelamatkan kota.
* Cerita Kuro Luffy, Nami dan Zoro pergi ke sebuah desa dan akhirnya m ereka terlib at konflik dengan bajak laut Kuro. Mereka juga bertemu dengan seorang pemuda pemberani dari desa, Usopp dan Luffy mengajaknya bergabung karena melihat kemampuannya dalam menembak.
* Cerita Baratie Untuk mencari seorang koki, mereka memutuskan untuk pergi ke restoran terapung Baratie. Ternyata ada bajak laut besar Don Krieg yang ingin merampas Baratie. Konflik terjadi antara kru Luffy dengan kru Don Krieg. Di tengah pertempuran itu, muncul seorang bajak laut Shichibukai yaitu Mihawk si mata elang. Di lain sisi, Nami berusaha kabur dan membawa kapal mereka...
* Cerita Arlong Setelah menyelesaikan pertempuran di Baratie, mereka mengejar Na mi yang kabur, mereka juga berhasil mengajak koki bernama Sanji untuk bergabung. Ternyata Nami pergi ke pulau yang dikuasai Arlong dan manusia ikan lainnya. Dan tern yata Nami bekerja untuk Arlong. Luffy marah setelah setelah mengetahui bahwa Nami hanya dipermainkan Arlong dan mereka terlibat konflik dengan kelompok bajak laut Arlong.
* Cerita Loguetown setelah mengalahkan Arlong, mereka menuju pulau terakh ir di East Blue, Loguetown. Disini mereka menghadapi berbagai macam musuh dari Buggy dan Alvida yang ingin balas dendam juga Kapten Smoker dari angkatan laut yang berusaha menangkap mereka.
* Cerita Naga 1000 Tahun (tambahan) Cerita tambahan di serial TV. Setelah meninggalkan Loguetown, mereka bertemu Avis, seorang anak pemilik kekuatan bua
h Hiso Hiso yang meminta mereka menyelamatkan seekor naga yang diincar oleh seorang Perwira Angkatan Laut, Nelson.

Kisah Baroque Works

Yaitu kisah di mana Kelompok Topi Jerami berhasil memasuki Grand Line, dan secara kebetulan mereka harus menyelamatkan seorang putri kerajaan, Nefertari Vivi dan menyelamatkan kerajaan tersebut dari cengkraman organisasi kriminal yang mendambakan sebuah negara ideal yang bernama Baroque Works (BW).

* Cerita Laboon Berlangsung tepat setelah para kru memasuki Grand Line, mereka masuk ke mulut ikan paus raksasa bernama Laboon. Di sinilah mereka mengetahui tentang dahsyatnya Grand Line dan mereka juga bertemu anggota BW, yaitu Miss Wednesday dan Mr. 7 yang ingin membunuh Laboon untuk dijadikan makanan penduduk kota Wishkey Peak.
* Kisah Whiskey Peak Para kru memasuki kota pertama di Grand Line, Whiskey Peak. Di sini mereka disambut oleh para warga dan diajak berpesta. Ternyata para pendu duk kota adalah pemburu hadiah yang menginginkan kepala Luffy semata. Zoro menyadarinya dan kemudian terlibat langsung pertempuran melawan semua pemburu hadiah yang ternyata anggota BW itu. Ternyata salah satu anggota BW, yaitu Miss Wednesday adalah putri mahkota yang menyusup ke tubuh organisasi BW sebagai mata-mata Kerajaan Arabasta bernama Nefertari Vivi. Di saat itulah Kelompok Topi Jerami terlibat dengan badan kriminal BW secara langsung dan menyelamatkan Vivi.
* Cerita Little Garden Mengikuti arah Log Pose, Kelompok Topi Jerami menuju Pulau Little Garden, pulau di Grand Line yang masih tertinggal di zaman purba. Di sini mereka bertemu raksasa yang sedang bertarung, Dorey dan Broggy. Tetapi di balik itu, Mr. 3 dan Miss Golden Week juga pasangan Mr. 5 dan Miss Valentine dari Baroque Works m erencanakan untuk membunuh kedua raksasa itu.
* Cerita Drum Setelah mengalahkan Mr. 3 dan mendapatkan Log Pose ke Arabasta, secara tiba-tiba Nami jatuh sakit. Keadaan semakin gawat dengan munculnya Bajak Laut bernama Wapol. Setelah meninggalkan Wapol, mereka sepakat membawa Nami ke suatu pulau dan yang dituju adalah Pulau Drum. Di sini mereka harus mengantar Nami ke satu-satunya dokter di puncak gunung, Dokter Kureha. Sementara Wapol dan pasu kannya diketahui adalah Raja dari Drum Kingdom. Mereka kemudian melawan Wapol dengan bantuan Tony S. Chopper, rusa peliharaan Dokter Kureha yang memakan buah Hito Hito dan membuat Luffy tertarik untuk merekrutnya.
* Cerita Arabasta

Kisah Skypiea

Kisah setelah mereka menumbangkan Baroque Works dan ternyata arah Log Pose mereka menunu

ju ke arah langit. Kelompok Topi Jerami berusaha mencari informasi menuju pulau langit. Dan setelah mereka berhasil ke pulau langit yang bernama Skypiea, mereka diharuskan menghadapi sang dewa, God Enel dan menyelematkan penduduk langit dari kekejaman God Enel. Luffy ingin menyelamatkan Nami yang dibawa oleh Enel bersama kapalnya Maxim, di sana terlibat pertempuran Luffy vs Enel yang dibantu oleh Nami, Enel pun kalah dan pergi ke tanah dewa tempat impiannya yang bernama Fairy Vearth (sebenarnya Fairy Vearth itu "bulan")

* Cerita Pulau Jaya
* Cerita Skypiea

Kisah CP9

Kru kembali berlayar dan kemudian bertemu dengan bajak laut foxy yang mengajak mereka untuk

bermain dalam permainan Davy Back Fight dan yang menjadi pemenangnya adalah Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami. Kelompok Topi Jerami kemudian bertemu dengan Aokiji, salah satu admiral pemakan buah Hie Hie, setelah bertarung dengannya, kru berlayar kembali menuju Kota Water 7 untuk memperbaiki Going Merry. Emas yang mereka bawa dari Pulau Langit, mereka tukarkan dengan uang sebesar 300 juta Berry, namun dalam perjalanan uang mereka dirampas oleh Franky Family. Di sini mereka menghadapi banyak masalah; masalah terbesar adalah difitnah sebagai dalang percobaan pembunuhan terhadap Walikota Water 7, Iceburg, dan ternyata dalang di balik semua itu adalah agen World Government, CP9, selain itu Nico Robin juga diculik oleh World Government, CP9. Kelompok Topi Jerami memutuskan untuk

menyatakan perang dengan pihak World Government dan mengalahkan semua anggota CP9. Karena peristiwa ini, nilai buruan kelompok ini meningkat pesat.

* Cerita Davy Back Fight
* Cerita Water 7
* Cerita Ennies Lobby

Setelah anggota CP9 berhasil membawa Robin dan Franky serta Usop mereka pergi menggunakan kereta api air (Puffing Tom) menuju Kota Pengadilan (Ennies Lobby). Tanpa mereka sadari Shanji berhasil ikut masuk ke Puffing Tom dan mulai mencari Robin untuk menyelamatkannya. Dengan kemampuannya dia berhasil mengalahkan tiap pimpinan gerbong kereta dan berhail membebaskan Franky dan Usopp. Setelah itu ketiganya mencoba menyelamatkan Robin, namun ternyata mereka masih kalah oleh kemampuan Blueno, pemakan buah Doa Doa, yang bisa menciptakan pintu di tempat yang dia inginkan termasuk di udara untuk mengambil Robin kembali. Sesampai di Ennies Lobby mereka bertemu dengan anggota CP9 yang lain, yaitu Fukurou, Jyabura, dan Kumadori, serta pemimpin mereka Spandam. Di lain pihak Luffy dan anggota lain yang menyusul ke Ennies Lobby bertemu Shanji di tengah laut dan bersama-sama menuju Ennies Lobby. Dengan bantuan hewan piaraan dan teman2 Fran

ky, Luffy dan kawan2 akhirnya bisa masuk Ennies Lobby dan bertemu dengan CP9. Pada awal pertemuan Luffy bertemu dengan Blueno yang bisa dikalahkan dengan mudah oleh Luffy. Setelah itu pertempuran antara CP9 dan Luffy dkk.. Luffy vs Luccy, Nami vs Califa, Zoro vs Kaku, Fukurou vs Franky, Usopp (Soge King) vs Jyabura, dan Chopper vs Kumadori. Chopper sempat menjadi raksasa tak terkendali ketika dia memakan 3 Rumble Ball bert

urut-turut, tapi akhirnya disadarkan oleh Franky. Akhirnya ke semua anggota CP9 bisa dikalahkan oleh Luffy dkk. serta Robin berhasil diselamatkan. Ketika peperangan berakhir Ennies Lobby pun dihancurkan oleh angkatan laut.

Kisah Thriller Bark

Kru Topi Jerami kembali berlayar setelah berhasil meloloskan diri dari Wakil Admiral M

onkey D. Garp (Kakek Luffy) dan Admiral Aokiji. Mereka bertemu dengan Brook, tengkorak yang diketahui hidup kembali karena kekuatan buah Yomi Yomi, Luffy menginginkan agar Brook menjadi anggotanya. Brook pun sebenarnya juga ingin menjadi anggota Topi Jerami, tetapi karena bayangannya telah dicuri, Brook tidak bisa keluar dari Floriant Triangle, jika Brook terkena sinar matahari dia akan terbakar atau mati. Kemudian, mereka terperangkap di kapal raksasa bernama Thriller Bark yang merupakan kapal bajak laut yang te

rbesar. Setelah Nami, Usopp, dan Chopper disandera, Luffy malah biasa saja. Mereka menemui banyak Zombie di Thriller Bark. Mereka bertemu Dr. Hogback, dokter yang dikenal telah berjasa besar dalam dunia bedah. Dan akhirnya mereka mengetahui kalau semua zombie di Thriller Bark adalah ciptaan Dr. Hogback dengan bantuan Geckou Moria, salah seorang Shichibukai yang memiliki kekuatan buah Kage Kage untuk mengendalikan bayangan m

anusia dan bayangan itu dijadikan sebagai penggerak Zombie. Anggota Topi Jerami yang terpencar satu persatu harus menghadapi anak buah Geckou Moria. Sementara itu Odz, iblis raksasa 500 tahun yang lalu, akan dihidupkan kembali oleh Moria dengan mengunakan bayangan milik Luffy, juga Shichibukai lain, Bartholomew Kuma, datang untuk bertemu Moria dan membunuhnya.

Kisah Shabondy Archipelago

* Cerita Pengendara Ikan terbang

Setelah meninggalkan Florian Triangle, Luffy melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Pulau Manusia Ikan, di tengah perjalanan, di seberang Red Line, mereka bertemu Caimie, seorang duy

ung yang mem

inta tolong untuk menyelamatkan Hatchan, temannya yang diculik oleh Flying Fish Riders. Sementara itu, pemimpin Flying Fish Riders memiiki dendam pada salah seorang anggota kelompok topi jerami. Tobiuo riders pada akhirnya berganti nama menjadi Jinsei Barairo riders.

* Menuju Shabondy Archipelago

Setelah menyelamatkan Hatchan, mereka disarankan menuju Kepulauan Shabondy, agar bisa mendapatkan coating atau sesuatu alat penyelam untuk kapal agar dapat menuju Pulau Manusia Ikan. Sementara Shabondy adalah tempat wisata yang mengerikan karena dipenuhi oleh Penculik, Penjahat dan bajak laut kelas tinggi, dan Tenryuubito, para keturunan Raja-raja pendiri Pemerintah Dunia yang menganggap diri mereka suci. Tak ada yang berani melawan mereka. Bila ada yang berani melukai Tenryuubito, Admiral angkatan laut akan datang membawa satu brigadir pasukan untuk menghukum pelaku. Disana juga menjadi tempat berkumpuln

ya 11 orang bajak laut baru dengan harga buruan tertinggi, Para 11 Supernova.

* Kekacauan di Shabondy Archipelago

Kepulauan Shabondy masih menyimpan sejarah hitam masa lalu, yaitu diskriminasi pada manusia ikan dan mermaid (dianggap sebagai ikan, bukan manusia). Akibatnya di Shabondy, Manusia Ikan dan Mermaid bebas untuk ditangkap dan dijual sebagai budak. Caimie ditangkap dan dijual di Lelang budak, dan dibeli oleh salah satu Tenryuubito, Charlos. Luffy yang marah besar akhirnya menghantam Charlos sampai pingsan. Keadaan juga dipertegang dengan kenyataan bahwa Angkatan Laut memutuskan untuk memenggal Ace, yang berarti pernyataan perang kepada kelompok Bajak Laut Whitebeard.


Tokoh utama dalam serial ini difokuskan pada Monkey D. Luffy dan anggota Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami.

Yang berperan menjadi "orang jahat" dalam serial ini beragam, mulai dari bajak laut lain sampai anggota pemerintah. Tetapi yang berperan sebagai musuh secara garis besar adalah pihak angkatan laut (marinir).

Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang detail karakter, lihat templat karakter dibawah.

Monkey D. Luffy (bounty 300.000.000) Tokoh Utama yang bercita-cita menjadi raja bajak laut setelah Shank si rambut merah singgah dipulaunya, ia diberikan topi jerami olehnya sehingga kelak ia harus mengembalikannya jika bertemu lagi dilaut. Topi jerami inilah yang menjadi ciri khasnya. pemakan buah gomu-gomu

Roronoa Zoro (bounty 120.000.000) Divisi Tempur yang menggunakan seni 3 pedang (santoryuu)yang bercita-cita menjadi pendekar pedang terhebat dengan mengalahkan Juraquile Mihawk salah satu shicibukai dan merupakan pendekar pedang no satu.

Nami (bounty 16.000.000) Navigator handal yang mampu merasakan perubahan cuaca dengan tubuhnya, ia juga merupakan pencuri walaupun setelah bergabung dengan Luffy kemampuan ini masih sering digunakan. Bercita-cita menggambar peta dunia.

Usopp / Soge King (bounty 30.000.000) Bercita-cita menjadi pendekar pemberani diseluruh lautan dan ingin pergi ke pulau Elbaf. Ayahnya Yassop adalah kru dikapal Shank. Ia ju

ga merupakan penembak jitu.

Sanji (bounty 77.000.000) Koki yang bercita-cita menemukan lautan legendaris dimana semua sumber bahan makanan berasal, All Blue. Ia juga merupakan murid dari Zeff koki handal yang dulunya bajak laut.

Tony-Tony Chopper (bounty 50) Dokter yang berwujud rusa kutub berhidung biru yang mengemban keinginan dari dokter terhebat didunia dokter Hiluluk,

yang bercita-cita menyembuhkan segala penyakit yang ada didunia. Dia pemakan buah hito-hito sehingga dapat berbicara layaknya manusia.

Nico Robin (bounty 80.000.000) Arkeolog satu-satunya didunia yang tersisa dari Ohara yang meneliti asal usul penyandang nama D melalui Poneglyph yang mungungkapkan kejadian yang sebenarnya pada tahun-tahun sejarah yang hilang. Pemakan buah hana-hana.

Franky / Cutty Flam (bounty 44.000.000) Bercita-cita membangun kapal impian, kapal

yang mampu mengarungi seluruh lautan. Ia juga mengemban cita-cita dari Tom si pembuat


pal terhebat.

Brook (bounty 33.000.000) Pemusik yang direkrut setelah peristiwa thriller bark. Dia merupakan bajak laut yang berjanji pada Laboon dan bercita-cita untuk meneruskan perjalanan hingga Rafftell dan berjanji akan kembali lagi menemui Laboon.